Humble Beginnings | Chapter One

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Word count: 1,066 words, 5,642 characters
Warnings: None
POV: Chris


I stuffed Eveleen's teddy bear in my bag, running my finger over its eye. I sigh, smiling at the memory of buying it. I threw another pair of gloves into my bag and clipped it closed and slung the sack over my shoulder and headed towards the door, snatching the keys off the counter and wishing goodbye to my home. I locked the door behind me and hurried down the stairs of my apartment complex and headed towards my car. 

I stepped inside and turned the key, pulling out down the street. I swallow, scratching my beard and driving towards the docks. 

I slid through the traffic like a knife in butter, watching other drivers to make sure they knew what they were doing. I stayed silent throughout the trip, the sound of rock music deafened by my ears. I watched a man out of the corner of my eye as a man ran a red light down the street, and carried on my way. After around thirty minutes of driving, I reached my destination. The docks loomed before me, the ship bobbed in the water, almost carelessly. Other soldiers hugged their families and kids goodbye, some even taking pictures with them too. I recognized two men from my team, sharing a drink at the end of the warf just ahead of the ship. 

I found a  parking spot and pulled in, texting my sister once again 

Remember to come and pick up my car, I'll see you soon

Elsa:Ovc u said it a thousand timesDon't get killed.

I chuckled at her quick reply and threw my phone into my bag, stepping out of the car and onto the sidewalk. I slung my bag over my shoulder, holding it by its strap and wandered down to the docks. Before I even got there I heard a little girl call my name and immediately knew. 

"Eveleen!" I spun around, she raced forwards, jumping into my arms. I dropped my bag by my feet and pulled her into the air, she hugged me tight around the neck. I pecked her on the cheek, causing her to squirm and laugh.

"Papa!" The little girl giggled. 

After a moment or two, I spotted her mother making her way towards me, her stupid little high heels clicking on the pavement. She crossed her arms when she reached me and just stared at me.

"Good morning, Carol," I greet her, watching as she narrowed her eyes at me.


Eveleen seemed to notice the tension between us and broke it up.

"Who are the bad guys now daddy?" 

I chuckled. Smart girl. 

"I don't know honey, but they're mean, and I'm going to go and tell them off."

We talked and laughed for a moment more before I noticed people were climbing onto the ship. 

"I gotta go, honey, I'll see you in a few months, remember to send letters," I smiled. Eveleen pouted and hugged me again, kissing my cheek, I smooched her hair and put her down. She whined at me to stay, but Carol pried the crying child away by the hand. It broke my heart- the way the woman I once loved could treat our daughter. 

Either way, I grabbed my bag again and hopped onto the ship, looking around again for the men in my team I had spotted. They must have gotten on first, I thought after realizing they were nowhere around. I shuffled onto the ship and headed towards my room, which I was told I shared with my team. 

The dorm was small, with only four hammocks and not much space. Two men were already inside, one had claimed a top bunk and the other had claimed the bottom one across from him. I smiled as I stepped in the room, waving to the guys inside. They stopped and smiled back at me. 

One had a toothy grin, blonde hair, and uncomfortably dark brown eyes. The man was rather short, probably just skimming past the required height for being in this unit. He had scars all over his exposed arms and had a tattoo that repeated the word "freedom" that wrapped around his wrist. 

The second man was glaring at the room, his dark-choclate brown hair was shaved down the sides and sprung up at the top in a quiff that made him look a lot taller than he was. He had a toothpick crammed between his teeth which were completely straight and well pointed. His eyes were a weird gold-ish color, but were quite nice.

"Hey, I'm Rick, that's Daniel, he's a bit of a dickhead," The blonde haired man smiled, poking Daniels' bicep. Daniel snapped at him but grinned at me anyway. I smiled, expecting our fourth dorm mate to make a star appearance. 

"So, what brings you round these parts, stranger?" Rick chuckled, smile lines appearing beneath his eyes. 

"My names Chris," I state simply, not sure how to introduce myself to the people I would be working alongside for the next three months. Our lives hang in each other's hands, we're complete strangers to each other here, I thought.

"Ah so it's our leader, good to know," Daniel muttered. I was suprised to hear a thick New Zealand accent coming from him, but I welcomed it.  

I put my bag down on the bottom bunk, under Ricks bed. Quietly I reached for one of the sleeping bags that was supplied for us and threw it down onto the bunk. Rick and Daniel continued to chat about whatever they were before while I sifted through my bag to find Eveleens teddy bear. Laying it out on the bed, I closed the bag again.

Suddenly the door swung open to reveal a tall man without a shirt, his pants were dripping wet. His hair tangled around his face and he was laughing with someone down the hall.

"Sorry guys, one of the guys pushed me off the docks, call me Joker, don't worry, I won't turn on you." 

Joker threw his messy bag down onto the last bed and grabbed a towel from the stack by the bathroom, drying his hair and face as quickly as he could. 

"We have a meeting tonight, cap'n said we'll be meeting the rest of our team during dinner," Joker yawned. 

I nodded, settling down to sleep before the ship started to move. 

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