Pen To Paper | Chapter Eight

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Authors note: Hello everyone and welcome back! Thanks for all the positive feedback, but you must understand that I can only do so much, this chapter has been laying around for quite a while and I finally finised it after being very kindly asked to do so. Remember, any updates for this are gonna be few and far between, and I'm sorry if my quality of writing goes down, I lost faith in this a while ago and have my mind on other things atm since its exam season as well as stuff going on at home. 

Remember to leave feedback, comments, and everything! I love hearing it!

There will be a time jump because I hated the last chapter lol

Warnings: Fire, swearing, bad depictions of the military (lmao)
Word Count:
POV: Chris


The battlefield was silent. It was cold. It was desolate. It was still. You could almost expect a tumbleweed to roll across the dirt like an old western cartoon.

The sun was slowly setting over the horizon, I had sat and watched it fall since before the sky had turned pink. It was beautiful in a cruel way. 

I breathed out slowly, my wind howling out like a whistle through my parched lips. I shifted a little, finding my footing uncomfortable on the hard rock beneath me. My gun perched atop a boulder in front of me. My watch beeped loudly, piercing through the silence and making my ears ring, I quickly reached down and muffled the noise, but smiled to myself when the little art of mickey mouse danced at me. It had been a gift from Eveleen when my sister took her to Disney land. 

I returned my gaze to the horizon, it was just as silent as before, nothing had moved. I felt a quick tapping on my shoulder, making me jump a mile high. I paused and looked up, finding Daniel towering above me. He had gained a large scar on his face during the raid on the town a few clicks south from here, an undercover soldier of the opposing army had jumped him and Rick while they were scouting. He had busted open Daniels lip with a reasonably sized hunting knife and stabbed Rick twice in the chest. Rick had died in that alleyway alongside that terrorist, and Daniel had gained a huge scar from his top lip to the bottom of his nose, the skin of his thin pink lips was carved deeply at the bottom of his disfigurement, and when he breathed with his mouth closed it would whistle out through that hole. Today Daniel wore a thick bullet-resistant vest with a camouflage helmet and covering. He had a hunting knife in his belt and a pistol on his hip. 

"It's my shift," He muttered in the clear kiwi accent he possessed. I sighed and nodded, handing him the gun and rolling my tight shoulders. I pulled myself up off my sore knee and headed back to the cave where we had set up camp until we could go back to the base in three days. I sat down on the large log we had dragged in front of the fire next to Runner and stared at the flames licking the charcoal fueling it. I sighed and Runner passed me a flask he had been nursing for the past week. I frowned and took a whiff, it was straight tequila. I breathed in sharply and took a small sip, feeling the burn down my throat and cringing a little at the taste.

"That's not gonna last long around the bosses," I mumbled, handing the dented metal flask back to him. Runner shrugged. "Isn't that meant to be in the first aid kit?" Runner shrugged again. 

"There were two, I'll swap it for a full one when we get back."

If we get back, Chris thought but didn't say. He glanced around, Joker and Cassie were out scouting both on top of the cave and down in the valley respectively, Markus had left supposedly to replace Cassie, and Tom was sitting in the corner of the cave by himself, a blanket draped over his shoulders. He had a booklet in front of him, he was holding his lighter in his mouth, the dim glow of the tiny flame we had used to start the campfire was gleaming on his white page as he scribbled on it with a short, overused drawing pencil. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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