chapter 1- Life can be a bitch

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                  2 Yeats earlier
                      Y/n's p.o.v.

          * Just let me be.... Who I am.. It's what I really need you to understand... And I hope so hard.. For the pain to go aw-* My phone alarm went off. I was laying in the kitchen, in a pool of my own blood. Broken bottles and glass all around me. I just got up and when to take a shower. See I normally wake up, blood covered, in the kitchen. I don't even have a room anyways. My 24/7 drunk parents beat me until I passed out, or pretend to, and just left me in a pool of my own blood. School wasn't any better, people always beat me up and called me names. Even the teachers and principal hated me enough to let them all get away with everything. My only 'friend', and reason I keep waiting for life to turn around, was the school nurse, miss Smith. She lets me call her Emily though. Anyways, I got out of the shower and just looked at the large, bloody gash on the back of my head. I started to look for my bestest friend in the hole world, my blade. When i finally found it I started to cut my legs and arms, cutting new ones and cutting open old scars. I thought about how much better the world would be without me, how many more people would smile. I finally put on my dark (f/c) hoody and black jeans and grabbed my (f/c) backpack, slipping my blade in it, and quietly ran out the door. I put in my head phones and lissened to 'depressing' music, I felt happy for once. As I walked to school I took the path by the forest near my houes. I heard and saw something move in the tree line, I just shook it of as a animal or something, not that it matters to me. " Put the bottle down, for the love of a daughter". I sang as I keep walking to school, ignoring the world around me.

     As i got to that fucking hell hole 'queen bee' and her followers were waiting for me. "Ok, listen here bitch, I'm feeling nice today so I'll give you 2 options," she pauses and laughs," 1. You can beg me for mercy and we won't beat the fuck out of you or, 2. You can be a little bitch and refuse, and can end you social life right now." She finishes with a laugh. She seems surprised when I also start to laugh." Hahahahaha, you think I'm going to listen to a bitch like you?, well do your worst because I hate my-self more then you hate me!" I yelled, ready for the beating I was about to receive for those words. I was planning on ending it all anyways, so what does it matters? "Ok you little bitch, you heard her girls, beat the living fuck out of her!" 'Queen bee' or ( random name) told her main followers, ( name) and (name). The sudden kick of a sharp high heel to my back caused me too fall and dropping my books in the processes. I quickly hid my thoughts journal. I just layed there, hoping they would finally kill me. As they continued to kick me I felt a warm substances come up my throat and into my mouth. It dripped onto the floor in front of me, it was dark red blood. I started to laugh uncontrollably, like a crazy person. 'They might actually kill you!, less work for you!' The all to fimliar voice in my head said, I agreed. "Shit, I think she's dieing, we need to leave!" S voice yelled as they all ran, leaving me a laughing mess in a pool of my own blood. I started to see all to fimliar black spots cloud my vision. The last thing I see is Emily's look at me with a face full of shock and... worry? My vision fades to pure black

            ( time skip to after school)
         I woke up in the nurses office with Emily sitting down next to me.... crying?! "Emily, what's wrong" I asked as I ignored the pain and sat up. "Your awake?!!!" She yelled as she looked at me and then hugged me!! I was sooo confused. 'Why does she care?' I asked and, as always, I got a response. ' she's just toying with you so she can break you later' the voice, who I called (v/n), said and, as always, I agreed. My (h/l) (h/c) hair was covered in blood splotches and my head was banged. My (e/c) eyes, dull and full of confusion and self-hate. I just wished that would have killed me ...... Well suicide it is!

      A/n- hope you liked this chapter☺ I'll probably add some more chapters this week💜 love all of you💜

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