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*Jai's POV*

I was so happy to finally have her awake. And she walked! It feels like she is a little baby that I need to raise, and take care of. Just she doesnt cry in the middle of the night.

I asked her out on a date tonight. Even if she couldn't walk I still would have taken her. I hop into the shower, and after style my hair. I put on a bathing suit, and a tux over it.

This is going to be the best night ever. I have my beta go to the beach and start getting it set up. Candles, and pictures, and balloons. The perfect set up. Oh and fireworks. I know I overdo things but anything for my baby.

She walks down the stairs looking like an angel. She smiles widely and I wrap my arm around her waist. I lead her outside. I took her out to dinner. Which was the best of the best. She took one bite of her baked ziti, and moaned.

"You like it right?" I ask.

She nods. I smile satisfied. I eat my steak and talk to her. Apparently her mother was a witch who left the family when she was born. As far as she knows her mother is still alive. She would have a feeling when her mother died.

After we finished dinner we split a dessert. Its a huge chocolate cake thats heated up, and has chocolate. With some cold vanilla ice cream on the side. We split it, and like the rest of the food it was delicious.

I payed, and led her outside. I smiled, and opened the door for her. She giggled, and climbed in. I ran around the car and climbed in.

"This was amazing thank you so much" she says.

"Its not over yet" I say starting up the car.

"Really?" Her angelic voice speaks up.

"Nope I have one more surprise planned" I state making a sharp right.

"Are we almost there?" She asks.

"We are here" I say pulling up and parking.

I lead her to the spot on the beach. She gasps. I smile, and lead her to the center of the whole display. I smile and get down on one knee. I pull out the little black velvet box. She gasps.

"Ana, you are not only my soul mate. You honestly stole my heart, and not just because you're my mate. I love you with my whole heart. When you were missing I was a mess. I thought I lost you. Then you came back to me in a coma. Throughout the year I sat by you. I will always be by your side. Before you I was a little kid playing wolf, and you changed me and my whole life. I cant live it without you. I cant imagine the world without you and me together. Please do me the honour, and be my wife" I say.

She is crying so hard she cant speak. She nods her head yes, and mind-link one word now. The fireworks go off and I kiss her. This woman is going to be my wife.






Hey wolfies. So the story is coming to an end. Im sorry about the shortness. My other books are so much better and I have been working on them. Please read His Kitty Cat. I might make a sequel to this one I have no idea yet.


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