Harry Imagine

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NOTE: This is based off the passed. I am using this as a comparison to the concert that the other author of this page went to! :) 

                                                                            Harry Imagine

Harry is in the states for the WWA tour, you haven't seen Harry in probably 3 weeks. Everyday you wake up with the thought of September 1st and can only think of this day from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. This is the day you can finally see him. You talk to Harry whenever you can, but you just don't get to talk much. You sometimes think, why do I do this to myself? You stay with him because you really love him and can't leave the person that you spend everyday thinking about. When you think about him you get this big cheesy grin and it doesn't fade. When August 30th rolls around you are so excited that you can't stop fidgeting. When it finally is time for you to go to bed, you can't seem to sleep, so you watch fetus video diaries to help you pass time. You look at the clock and relize it is 5:00 in the morning and Harry's flight gets in at 8:00. You hurry to get in the shower and get ready, when you are finally ready to go you look at your outfit, you are wearing a Ramones tank top with a bit of fringe on the bottom, light blue high waisted shorts (not the ones that show your butt) and purple Vans with curly hair. You can't wait to see his beautiful face! At 7:00 you walk out the door because the airport is about 45 minutes away from your house. When you finally get to the airport you get a messege that pops up saying "Hazza" just that gives you goosebumps, the messege says "Just landed beautiful can't wait to see you!" You are giddy with excitement! You hear "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" instantly, you know who it is, you turn and start running not even know where you are going. All you feel is a body press hard against yours and pick you up and twirl you around. You start crying into his neck when you see something, something that makes you push him away. You recognize this and see that it is a hicky. You are always worried that when he goes away something will happen, the first thing you think of is Kendall Jenner, she always tries to get with Harry even though you know he would never do that, until now, you really are questioning his faithfulness. You start crying harder not of happiness this time, but of anger and sadness. Harry starts saying in that slow heavy british accent, "Sweetheart, it was an accident, the boys and I got a little tipsy at Liam's birthday celebration, I am so sorry! I promise it will never happen again" At this point, you turn and run and he doesn't come after you, he understands. You run to your car and drive home, although you know you shouldn't because you are in hystarics. You can barely see where you're going because of the tears in your eyes, you don't know the roads well enough, when all of the sudden, a car pulls out and you feel a big crash. When you finally are conscious, you lay there with your eyes closed, to tired to open them, you just listen. You hear Harry singing Right Now, he is singing Right Now I wish that you were here with me. You get the strength to open your eyes you open and Harry starts crying and saying that he was so sorry and so glad that you are awake. Harry tells you what really happened and you are still mad because he cheated, but you just want to focus on getting out of the hospital. 

                                                                                        4 weeks later

            You finally get out of the hospital, but the bad news is, that your parents are out of town on business so you have no choice but for Harry to help you out at home. About a week passes and the doctors tell you that you can get up and out of the house and have some fun again. Harry jumps on that offer and he takes you to the movies, you guys go see "Lets Be Cops". You have never laughed so hard in your life. After the movie, you guys decide to go back home and watch a movie, you guys decide on "LOL" this is your favorite. The last thing you hear before you all asleep is Harry murmur in his tired voice "Night Doll, I love you and Im glad that you are with me right now, I have an important guestion for you in the morning. I love you." Then you both fall asleep all cuddled together :) 

Sorry that this was so long and not that interesting, but I came up with the middle to end off the top of my head! I promise others will be better. 

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