Bruce Wayne is not my Father!

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Request: Nah I just wanted to see how a kid would react to being the kid of Bruce Wayne... That may be a genius...

Warning:... A slight amount of swearing because y'know you don't just find out your dad is a millionaire... And some mentions of human trafficking, as well as slavery, be warned!!!

Summary: A kid that looks a lot like Bruce Goddamn Wayne, is a genius and refuses to be in the same room as him without other people. Fun, huh?


As a kid, I didn't know who my father was. I mostly heard he was a man of few words and wise but at times an absolute Richard. You might be confused about why I said 'Richard' that's because I don't like swearing I only swear when it is needed.

My entire life I spent with my mother was amazing, she understood that I could understand things that I shouldn't at my young ages. But that's why she left the life of modelling for science because she knew she was not in a good place for a child, so she left and became an independent mother! Can we get around of applause for her, please?

Back to the story, I was what perceived as a freak. I have no strength but I am knowledgeable to a point where it was considered unnatural because of curiosity. People say knowledge is power well I don't feel powerful. But once I entered freshmen year to Gotham Academy, I was no longer a freak but a nerd to some a philosopher.

I met my first friend, Damian Wayne. Damian was taller than me and more muscular as well as knowledgeable but not with the same curiosity. We kinda looked similar but what was different was our eyes, as he had green, I had cobalt blue eyes. Some might mistake us for siblings with how close we are as I am more socially aware and adept than him but he is more physical and needs to go to anger management...

It was one of the few days where I was walking home alone, someone must have mistaken me as Damian because I was promptly kidnapped. As the kidnapper found out that had to wrong kid found me as a good possible sell, I tried to battle out if his grip as well trying to get someone, anyone to notice me.

I was almost free until I felt pain in the back of my head. My ears rang, vision blurred with black dots dancing in my view, and a small short scream which I found very uncomfortable with showing my pain or emotions with others.

Someone must have heard me as the person carrying me ran to the truck and then black as I lost my hold of my conscious. I felt cold metal floor as I sat, huddled in the corner. My cobalt eyes glaring at the animalistic cage for me, as of right now they're trying to find the perfect auction house as nearly all the places are full.

Luck may be on my side, for now, they are going to feed me in an hour. As of now, it must have been three? Four days? Since I have been taken, from my safe haven of my mother's arms.

I see my school bag at least a meter away, the star though? It was close as I tug my bag closer to me, I open it as I grabbed one of my little prototypes and dismantle it. I take one of the hairpins my mother forces me to have in my hair because apparently, my fringe is 'too long for a boy'.

Black hair falls into my face, I blow it out, as I continued to make a small communicator because I had a backup phone in my bag that I made just in case. I start to text silently a military SOS when a soldier is captured by an enemy, I added my name of who it is from. I sent it out, now I wait...

And I waited for two more days as I was moved, I hid the communicator in my clothes. That was very dirty, mind you, for desperate times come desperate measures. I waited, for a couple of hours as I was deprived of water for two days. I had my head pounding like my brain was slamming itself to my skull for freedom or having a mini-rebellion, my vision quickly was covered in dots as the ringing in my ears made my headache worse. I slowly grew comfort to the cold wall but it didn't help much as I sink further into it I fell to sleep.

My eyes opened to a blinding white light, cotton sheets were covering my body but I felt a warm hand cover my thin small hand. I tiredly turned my head to see who it belonged to, my mothers beautiful strawberry blonde hair fell messily over her slightly pale skin. She looked a wreck, from the stress and worry must have driven her mad.

There were bags under her eyes, but she sleeps with ease possibly in a long time. I remembered all the times I was ill as I laid in my bed feeling weak and sleepy, she always stayed at my side sometimes watched movies as we cuddled not caring for the consequences.

I fell back into the sleep as I greeted it like an old friend, I woke up to my mother is gone but someone else. Damian was ranting how practically everyone in our school is full idiots. When he asked a rhetorical question, I answered. “Don't blame them for having a lower I.Q, Damian.”

His eyes opened and a look of relief flashed I his face, he chuckled quietly with his rare smile. “Good to have you back, [L/n],” he commented with a bit lighter tone. I nodded, as I yawned. We talked until one of Damian's brothers came in to collect him when he came in he kept on glancing at me curiosity?

I played it off as I waved him goodbye with a nod, the nod is a way to say thank you for each other be there. Sinking into my pillow as I fell to sleep. Two days was my idea until I can leave the hospital, as I have been deprived of food of nutrients and given small amounts of food like two slices of an apple or something. But I know I am thinner than before.

Time skip!

It's been a month since I came back to school and so far so good, no billing so far and no teasing. I was sticking closer to Damian because he was familiar and I was really jumpy in crowds now to the point I would hold onto Damian's blazer sleeve. I felt even more uncomfortable when people ask me questions about my time kidnapped. As I kept quiet as I shook my head no, with a dodge of a bullet by walking away to sit under a tree me and Damian claimed.

When I came home one day, Bruce Freaking Wayne arguing about something. I knocked on the wall of the lounge, as I asked. “Am I interrupting something?” Both adults snapped their head at me, as they shook their heads.

My mother sighed. “[Y/n], this is your father.” I froze, I blinked. “Hold the fucking phone! What happened while I was gone because I'm pretty sure my father left my mother after two years of dating. For another woman.” I spoke what my mother told me as I stared at both of them like they were headless chickens running around the apartment.

I started to speak my thoughts in spitball Spanish which Mr Wayne was barely catching what I was saying. I then went back to English, “Why the ever living hell are you in our fucking apartment, Mr Wayne!” I refused to call him my father.

I went to my mother's side and stayed while I looked at him, the man that was supposed to help me homework, help me grow as into man but no he was too busy with his kids. Damian, I could accept as my brother, but Bruce is not my father. I wouldn't leave someone after two years of being together.

That day Bruce left with his head down in shame, my mother wept her apologies as I have forgiven her already because he left her. I held my mother as I cried, wishing he could have come when I was younger he had so much time to come and see her. There were articles of my mother and me, and yet he never batted an eyelash.

The next day Damian came to me and asked if I was alright as it looked as if I was crying, I shook my head and explained to him what happened and try to not cry an ocean of emotions. He was with me the entire day as he kept his guard up and kept a protective older brother demeanour. But only because he was a month older, doesn't mean anything, Damian!

We slowly went back to our way of dropping vines or memes into our conversation as we goofed around and been kids.

We are brothers, but Bruce Wayne is not my father.

I refuse to be in the same room as him, alone.

Bruce Wayne is not my father!


So how was it? I know it didn't show that the kid was a genius but I thought of a kid denying he is Bruce Wayne son would be cool and not, Damian beside I thought it was a cool idea.

Hoped you liked this!
Thanks for reading and take care!

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