Tim Drake angst.

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Request: No. I was just struck with this idea so sorry for any plot holes...

Summary: Tim is done, so he leaves his home.

Warning: No reader, just character. Angst, me crying while writing this (I really need to stop doing it, in all honesty, it's hard to proofread.)


The sky was black as coal but no glim of a single star to call it to ink, it seemed lifeless. Broken, in its own mystery as if monsters hid in the sky, devils stirring schemes for the city of madness, ghosts haunting the light of the moon gleaming on the windows of the buildings. The sky showed no wind, no clouds wandered around as it usually did, no breeze showed. Nothing just the hustle and bustle of the city corrupted sky with all the lights, sounds and negativity.

But it was home, home to the broken, home to the crooks, home to the tough. It was a home for him once upon a time.

Now it was a simple memory of sleeping in the abandoned mansion, it always felt cold on that building. Nothing was worn in, everything looked as if it was just bought or imported from a certain country. It was a Barbie house, so fake and plastic.

But the warmth of the manor of his new family seemed to calm his inner need to be loved, he was a fool to think they'd love him, but the manor was so worn in, so used. It felt like a home, one that wasn't his clearly by his "younger brothers" words and actions. Even some of the actions of his mentor supported this as well as other members.

After everything, from giving up a life of safety for one of risk and death just to save one man from his own destruction. To the number of days that pass without sleep, food or water to save them, children, men, women. So many. He saved, he's happy he helped so many but it was bitter as well as he was used.

Used like that manor. Used as if a puppet on strings, he saw so many of his friends die in front of him. Used as the front he used in front of the so-called "family" to show he was fine, functioning to show he was still useful. It tears himself inside to think he thought like that.

His mindset of constantly wanting to be needed, but now he finally realized they just used him for his intelligence. Now he is done. So done with them, thoughts of going somewhere seemed so appealing to just leave without a trace, sell all his safe houses, to just go around being a hero but to random people.

That was reckless, he will leave slowly but not slow enough to doubt but fast enough to leave without a trace. Just don't do anything major, nothing drastic.

More bubbling ideas floated around his brain when the ringing of his phone pulled him back to the reality of his life. He stood leaning on the marble counter of his kitchen, the whatever number of a pot of coffee done. Cold black light came from the mobile as he answered the caller, he read the I.D it was Dick. He most likely needed information for a mission.

“Hey, Timbo!” Dick's cheerful but it seemed strained, he forgot something most likely. “What do you need, Dick?” Tim said straight up but seemed casual yet professional at the same time. Dick's nervous chuckle through the phone until a sudden yelp came from him.

“Okay, Tim I need information.” once that sentence it became a haze, finally giving all of his hard-worked information was given, he decided. He'll disappear in two months time, since it was October he can leave with the crowds of people leaving for Christmas all around the world.

Time skip~

Time flew by with ease as he signed the last paper as he put his last safe house for sale, he made sure that it was made his last name was back to "Drake" like it was for his youngest years. It felt new and different.

His phone was destroyed once he was called by Alfred, the older man was the best man in the world in Tim's opinion. Alfred Pennyworth knew this was the final call he will get from the third Robin, he knew that Tim will just carry on running until his final breath.

It was early enough for the Batfamily not to be on patrol but still have a flight to Russia, he put himself in the shoes of an utter fake and false person. He was born as Tim Drake but he left Gotham as Matthew Williams a young man who was born in Arizona and learnt Russian from a teacher.

He didn't carry much just a duffle bag and small rucksack to carry a new laptop he just made and other needed things.

Once boarding on the plane he was grateful he put on a few extra layers of clothing because it seems it will get cold. He will finally be gone.

Gone from that broken city full of madness and crime.


Sorry for a kinda small one shot but I like it. Small but bittersweet, I can make a part two if you want. All you have to do is ask!

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day/night!

And take care!


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