Chapter 8❄

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was this annoying beeping sound. Every time the beep came, a hefty amount of pain would shoot through my ears and all the way to my brain. I was aching, everything was aching. My head, my side, my ears, my throat felt so dry, everything was aching in some sort of way.I tried flipping to my side, but cords pulled at my arm. I winced. Prying my eyes open took a great deal of effort and when I finally got them open all I could manage to see was a bunch of blurry black spots. So, I blinked about five times and then I was able to see again. The light in the room hurt like a bitch, but it was tolerable.

The room was not my room, which explained the freaking uncomfortable bed. I wiggled in my spot, trying to find a soothing spot on this brick of a bed. Sigh. I missed my bed... There were machines plugged up to the wall above me, the heart monitor to my right was the thing that was casing my head to hurt. It mirrored every beat of my heart with a beep. The beeping had to end.

My head was fuzzy. And I felt...wrong.

Moving to a sitting position I sat up in the bed. Swinging my numb legs over the railing, I leaned down to the power socket in which the heart monitor was plugged in. I was going to end the constant beeping. Ignoring the tugging of the IV as I stretch forward and ripped the plug from the socket. The beeping was gone. With a sigh of relief I placed my hands on my knees. I was afraid to get up, my legs were numb and I didn't want to chance ripping any chords out- Wait! My eyes flew back to the railing of the bed. Oh my god there was a sack of pee tied to my bed! Ugh. Grabbing the warm bag from its hook on the bed, I flung it away from my bed. It splattered open and yellow liquid formed in small pools on the floor.

That would need to be cleaned.

Scooting backward, I searched for the cord that would have a button on it. I found it and pushed it three times. Some lights lit up above me and I waited patiently for someone to come in the room.

Why was I in a hospital?

It took the nurse five minute to answer my distress signal.

"Look who's finally up," she cooed as she moved towards my bed. In the woman's hand was a white plastic cup.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I wanted to voice the fuzzyness in my head. Speaking of my head it was growing heavier. And what did she mean by finally up? I'd been out for like a night.

"Here, try this before you talk." She gave me the cup. As soon as the cool liquid hit my throat I started slurping it down, before I could finish it off she yanked it away. "Slowly."

I glared at her. Give me my cup back! "Give me the water back." She shook her head. Ugh! Stupid blonde old hag. "This," I waved my hand in the air doesn't even matter." Ugh,I sounded like a frog. "There was a pee bag on my bed-- which is disgusting, by the way. Don't you people clean theses rooms?" The nurse blinked stupidly at me. "Anyways... I thew it over there and it burst open and now my room smells like pee." I pointed at the spattered yellow liquid on the floor. "Can we maybe, get someone in here to clean it up? Or Ill clean it."

The nurses eyes widened. "She moved around the bed, where the pee bag had hung and stared at the empty hook."You didn't. Please don't tell me you removed your Nephrostomy tube insertion." She lifted up my blanket and tried to lift up my gown.

I shoved her hand away. "What the hell! I don't get down like that." I readjusted my blanket. "I didn't remove any tube, just the bag of pee."

"It was your pee."

"My what?"

"You've been out for four days we place a urine tube into your kidney and a feeding tube in your stomach. Now sit still and don't touch anything. I have to replace the bag and go get the janitor." She left. Leaving me stunned and confused, even a little paranoid and guilty....and embarrassed!

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