Chapter 1: Welcome to Storybrook- Rachel's POV

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Rachel's POV_____________________________________________________

As was listening to my favorite tune on my IPhone, my grandma past the sign that said Welcome to Storybrook. UUGGHH!! I was visiting my dad for the first time since the divorce. What happened between my parents you ask? Well they used to fight alot and dicided to divorce. My older brother was just like my mom and disapeared after that. Before my mom left me forever, she told my dad that she didn't want me to be any where near him ever again. So she called my grandma and she took me in. My dad ended up in this little town called Storybrook. Yesterday my grandma said he called and asked for me tomarrow. And we've been driving ever since. I've looked this place up before and nothing comes up. Also it doesn't show up any where on the section of Maine in a map. But I've heard the people here are strange. The point is I am NOT excited to be here. The first thing I see is a man walking with his dalmation. The man is tall and has curly red hair. As we past him, his dog barks at me. The next thing I see is the mayors office and two kids around my age were playing in the yard. There was a boy and a girl. The boy was shorter than the girl and had a weird looking nose. He has brown hair and freckels and is wearing a long black jacket with a scarf. The girl had auburn hair that was very wavy. Her face was small and had lots of freckles. She was wearing a green shirt with a jean jacket and skinny jeans. They seemed to be reading a book, but I couldn't make out what it was. Then we past the restaurant Granny's. That was where I was meeting my dad. I unplugged my earbuds, grabbed my jacket and told my grandma goodbye. It was pretty sad. I had lived with her all my life and now I was gonna spend one year and a half with my dad in a town where I had no friends! A tear trickled down my face as I got out of the car. She watched me walk in and then drove off.


A blast of heat hit me when I walked through the door. Nobody seemed to noticed I had walked in. I pulled up the most recent picture of my dad on my phone. I was right. He hadn't showed up yet. I looked to left and saw a woman with long blonde hair. She glanced at me, then whispered to the man next to her. He looked the same age as her with dirty blonde hair. I looked to the right and saw a woman with short black hair sitting on a stool. Then she turned around and smiled at me. " You new here?" she said. I looked around me to make sure she was talking to me. She was. "Yeah and I'm just waiting for my dad." I said back

" Oh whose your dad?" She asked sweetly. " Uh, I really don't know his first name but his last name is Gold." I said. " Gold? Like Mr. Gold?" She said. " Yeah why.........?" I asked. " Uh no reason. so what is your name." she said back. " Rachel" I said. She stopped and stared and me for a second. Actually not me; but my hair. My long blonde hair. " Oh I see! I'm Snow white." she said. I was confused " Like the Snow white? Like the fairy tale?!" " Why wouldn't I be-" she was cut off by the man with the dirty blonde hair. " Mary- margret. She ment to say Mary- margret. Right honey?" He said. She looked at him oddly and he pulled her aside after saying " Excuse us,". They talked for a few minutes then they turned back. " Sorry. It was silly of me to think that you would know," she said smiling until she realized what she had said. " Know? Know about what?!" I asked impaitently. " The man Began to open his mouth just as someone walked in. " Rachel, is that you deer," said a voice from behind me. I turned around to see my dad. He was old. " Dad?" I said. " Yes it's me!" he said with a giant smile on his face. He hugged me for a minute. I could tell he was trying not to cry. " Snow, how are you doing today?" he asked Mary-margret. " Uh, Gold she doesn't know..." she said. " Snow, like snow white! what's going on!?" I yelled. My dad looked unsteady and every thing got quiet. Then the girl with the blonde curly hair came over and said," We should take her to Henry. He'll explain it to her. Besides, no one can explain it better than him.".

The next thing I knew was I was pulling up to the mayors office. And there were the two kids from before. I asumed that the boy was Henry. And I was about to find out who the girl was. " Henry," The girl with the blonde hair said. " Mom!" He yelled getting up from reading his book. The girl just sat there impaitiently. " Uh Henry, this girl, what's your name again?" she asked. " Rachel needs to know about the curse. And no one can tell it better than you. Oh and I'm Emma, Henry's mom." Emma said. "Ah, so you want to know about the curse" Henry said. " Yes, 'cause I'm very confused." I said. " Well first, the man over there is David," He said pointing to the man with dirty blonde hair, " And that's-" he started to say. " Mary- margret, I know. Now can we get on with the story," I pleeded. " Hold your horses I was getting there. Ok so you see this story book," He said picking up the book he was reading. " Yeah...." I said. " Well it's basicly a history book. All of these stories happened and every one in this town is a fairy tale character. David is Prince Charming, Mary- margret is Snow white, your dad is rumplestilskin and-" Henry said. " Ok if every in this town is a fairy tale character, then who are you, and um, who's your mom, and, and, ah! Who is she!?," I exclaimed pointing to the girl with auburn hair. " My mom is Snow white's kid and I'm just her son. And she is Merida." He said smileling back at her. Everthing was making sence now. Why Mary-margret looked so much like Snow white and why my dads last name was Gold. " How did you end up here though," I said looking around. " The evil queen cast a spell on us in the fairy tale world but now she's not so evil. She adopted me and Merida and then I found my real mom." Henry said. There was still one more thing I had to ask." Ok so who am I ?" I asked. Henry picked up the book and started flipping the pages until he found a picture of me. " Ah, ha!" he said," You are.... Rupunzel." He said.

At that very momment in time, my heart stopped for a split second. I couldn't believe it. I had been living my life as my favorite princess. " I, uh..... wait what! Is cream " I know right, mind blown." Henry says. After that nobody says a word. I don't think any one could. After that my life would change forever.

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