Chapter 2: The new girl- Merida's POV

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        UUUUUGGGGGHHHHH! I cound NOT belive it! My best friend ( Henry) was being stolen by some new girl in town! I can't rember fairy tale world name but it was someting like Ratrumble or Retumzel. I dont know but here's how it went down.

        So me and Henry were just playing around the yard when I saw a car drive by. Something was wrong. Nobody goes in or out of this town. Henry says somethigs bad will happen if that were to happen. I realized someone must be new here.

        Sorry to interupt the story but let me tell you a little about me and my life. I am Merida in the fairy tale world but Meranda in the real world. Before Regina (The evil queen) adopted us, me and Henry were all alone in the adoption center. Since me and Henry are siblings and are the same age, we call each other twins. I spend most of my days walking around town with Emma and Henry. But the place you'll most likely find me is at the archery barn. It's my favorite place to shoot bow and arrows and to get away from all the chaos in this town. Regina is the only mom I have because nobody seems to find my real mom any where. Regina says she didn't love me and gave me up for a reason. But I don't and won't believe her. Regina is proboly the most secretive one in the whole town and I don't trust her enough to be my mom. I just wish Snow and Charming would adopt me and Henry even though Henry thinks she can change into a better person. But I don't want my little brother any where near that wicked witch. Auctally I am only a month older than Henry but who cares. Any ways back to the story.

         As the car past I saw who was in it. It was a girl with long blonde hair and she was staring at me. Henry was to busy playing our game to pay attention to her. And I was gonna keep it that way. But I wanted to know who that girl was first. " Hey Henry," I yelled across the big yard to him. He stopped running and put his walkie talkie in his pocket, put his hands on the sides of his mouth and screamed, " WWWWHHHHAAAATTTT!!!!!"  " I let my ear drums recover from the deafening sound and yelled back, " Can we take a break and look through your story book real quick," Henry looked disappointed but still ran over to me right after grabbing the book from inside.  I clap my hands very fast then say," Thanks, you are literary the best!" " I know I know." Henry says. "And what do you want to see by the way?"  I just stand there for a second trying to make up and excuse. " I, just, hmm, wanna,   make sure I know every one in the town.Trying to remember names is so hard, so if I see their faces, maybe I'll remember them better," I say. I had to face it. I didn't even believe my lie! But thankfully, Henry is the kind of person who would believe it.Henry stared at me for a second then said, "OK let us get to it!" . I was so relevied. We sat down on the grass and he opened the book. " Who do you want to know first? We can look in the table of contents-" I cut him off," It really doesn't matter. I just want to look at every ones faces and um... you tell me who they are! You are the best and remembering faces!" I lied. Fortunally, Henry believed me and started flipping through the pages. He past the pages with  Cinderella,  Pinocchio, and The Seven dawfs. Then it seemed like we were searching for hours but I bet you it was only 10 minutes. Just as I started to moan, the car with the girl in it pulled up in to the drive way. Only it wasn't some old lady driving the car; it was Henry's real mom, Emma. As they got out of the car, Henry jumped up and hugged his mom, while I was sitting on the grass bored to death. Long story short they wanted Henry to explain the curse to the girl. He was saying stuff like who the people in this town are and who he is and who I am. Man that girl had alot of questions! Any way, then she asked Henry who she was, which was what I wanted the book for. Henry walked over to me, smiled, grabbed th book, and started filpping through the pages. He found one with a picture of her on it and said," Ah ha! You are....." I listened very closely. " You are Rapunzle!"




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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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