Chapter 6: Ariana

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I enter my homeroom with Sehun and D.O., Kai has a different homeroom.

"Let's sit in the front." I say, and the two boys nod and follow me.

Soon, a bunch of kids also come in and sit down, most eyeing us uncertainly.

One boy catches my attention, he has deep dark circles and is pretty tall. And he looks at me with pure loathing.

The class starts right after the boy with dark circles enters, forcing him to sit directly next to me, since Sehun is on my other side and D.O. is sitting behind me.

"Okay class, introduce our three new students, Ariana, D.O., and Sehun." the teacher introduces us briefly and continues with the class.

The bell rings and I reach for my bag when a hand stops me. I look up. It's Sehun.

"What?" I ask.

"Give me your schedule." I obligate, taking it out of my pocket.

"We have net period together!" he exclaims happily.

Then he cocks his head and frowns.

"Wait. How do you read this stupid thing, why do we have different classes every day." he continues.

"You people probably don't get it. Here, give it to me and I'll explain it to you two." says a voice. We both turn and see the boy with the dark circles holding out a hand.

Sehun gives the paper to him.

"Okay, so we have different classes daily, repeated weekly. So for you, you have French after this class for today. Do you see?" he puts the paper close to my face so I can read it.

"Y-Yeah." I answer.

"Okay, but tomorrow you have English first. Do you get it? Just read it this way for every day."

I nod, and he picks up his bag with a smile.

"By the way, my name is Tao." and with that he leaves me speechless and exits the room.

"Ariana?" Sehun waves his hand in front of my face.

"Ariana?" he asks again.

"Ariana, we have to get to French." he says, pulling on my arm.

I slowly pick up my bag and follow him out of the classroom to another one.

"I have home ec. Bye." D.O. says and exits the room.

"Bye!" I call out. D.O.'s a really nice guy, and these days we have become pretty close.

Sehun and I head to French and barely find it, settling in 2 seats at the back just before the bell rings.

He and I are giggling like crazy and breathless when the teacher comes in. Luckily. he doesn't try to introduce us.

After a very confusing class of French, we head English, asking two girls for help.

We walk down the hall, checking the room numbers, when I spot two girls that are staring at us. I pull Sehun over.

"Hey, we are new here, do you know where class 38, freshman English is?" I ask in my perfect English.

"Yes, down that hall, just turn right." Says the one with blond hair with a beautiful British accent.

"Oh, you are the new transfer students from Korea, no?" Asks the one with brown hair.

"Yeah, but I used to live in California and actually was visiting Korea so I am better at English then him" I answer with a smile.

"Yes, America, your accent is so beautiful." Says the blond.

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