chapter 5

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Montre pov

Today me and my niggas gonna look for who did this. Dam bruh i cant believe someone would do something like that to someone so innocent. Smh.

Now i just gotta call my main man Cedric and the others to come and meet me here.We gonna take this man down...

Diamond came downstairs and let me tell you. Even though she going through this shit she still looks beautiful.

Diamond-dam Montre just take a picture already, oh and wipe that drool too *wink*

Me-im.not drooling. But i wiped my mouth like the idiot i am..

Diamond-so uhm.. what do u want for breakfast. She said as she walked in the kitchen and faced me backwards.

i walked up behing her and wrapped my arms around her waist.she froze. And i said 'what i want for breakfast is..."and she turned redd "is bacon nd eggs".

She turned and glared at me.. i shrugged nd looked up at her innocently..

Diamond- ugh.. teaser.. she mummbled

I laughed and walked off to my office..i called my boys and they was on there way.

The first person to arrive was Javonte my second best man.. ok ok.. then my boys came in.. the only person we was waiting on was Cedric.

As soon as we heard the front door closes i knew it was Cedric.. this nigga always late smmh.. But instead of him coming in i heard a very loud scream.. i assume it was Diamond nd sure enough when i aarived in the kitchen it was her. .she was on the otherside staring ay Cedric like he was a ghost..

I took Diamond nd brought her upstairs with me.. once she finally calmed down i asked her whats wrong.

Her- it... itt...sss..hh...iimmm..

Me-whose who??

Her-*sigh* remember the guy i told u raped me.. *sigh* thats him in the aunties boyfriend/husband..

I was beyond pissed after i put what she said together. I told her to stay and I'll be right back.. i walked downstairs and looked at Cedric with digust.. he was like my big brother..

Me-so u think u can just come up in ny house and act like u a saint!

Cedric-wtf u talking bout Tre.??

Me-u know dam well what im talking can u do something like that. Espicially to ur niece..

Cedric- ayee boy.. u betta stay out shit that aint ur buisness ok.


Cedric-stfu u stuck lil boy.. shut up ok..he was bout to leave.. until i heard a gunshot.. but it wasnt me.. i looked to my right and saw Javonte holding the gun.. he shot him..

Jv-ion like ppl who disrespect females.. is all he said nd told the boys to clean the mess up

I went upstairs to find Diamond crying..i held her in my arms until she fell asleep.. i lay with her too.. and sooner or later Javonte came in nd told me they was leaving..

Me- its alright now ma.. i whispered into Diamond ear before i felll asleep tooo.

unkown pov

Ohh so this man wanna kill Credic.. oh hell.naw that btch nd her man got another thing coming.. i aint bout to have a fatherless baby..

Yall might be like who is this well you'll find out soon..

Sht bout to get real down here..cuz aint nobody was suppose to kill Cedric.. he was my one and only.. i been married to him for almost all my life ughh..

A/N I think there was some confusion cuz before I put dre but it was suppose to be Cedric not dre...Montre two main boys are Javonte nd Cedric...well no more Cedric but

I hope it wasnt that stuck bitch and her aunty..boy I swearrr ughh

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