I'm His Princess, He's My Prince (A Niall Horan One-Shot)

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"Hahahaha," he laughed loudly as we reminisce how we first met.

That was 18 months ago. It was in a signing they did here in Manila. I wasn't fangirling in front of them. I was even cracking jokes at him.

He was my favorite since I knew about their boy band, One Direction. So he was the one I talked to, the most. Don't get me wrong, I love all of them, of course. They're my lives. But you know, he was the one who I have fallen in love with.

"How did you do that, baby?" he asked, raising his left brow, blue eyes full of curiosity.

I furrowed my eyebrows and asked him back, "Did what?"

"You never fangirled in front of me, of us, the lads. You know, you were talking to us like we were long time best friends, like we had known each other for life," he said, tightening his arms that were wrapped around me.

I shifted my body to face him, rested my arms on his chest, and fiddled my fingers on his branded cotton shirt, "I actually don't know," I lifted my head up that was resting on his shoulder and looked at his beautiful blue eyes, "It just felt like i already knew personally the five of you."

Here we are at my place, watching a movie with a big bowl of popcorn in front of us. It's our 1st anniversary. Not a typical way to celebrate such occasion but Niall is in my country. When he's in the Philippines, I want him to experience a life as normal as he could. It's his third time to be here now, the first time was when they did a concert, second was a year ago when I gave him my sweetest yes. He loved it here. They're the biggest boy band in the world, or even universe, for more than four years now. I just want him to escape such stressful and extraordinary life he has, not that I hate it nor he does. I'm so happy for him actually, for them. It's just that, when he's with me, I want him to live as normal as a 21 year old would, without the bright spotlights, paparazzis, body guards, and millions of screaming girls. And I want him to feel like a teenager again, I want to give back the years that fame had taken away from him, I want him to feel seventeen again. So here we are now, cuddling on my bedroom sofa, with a romantic movie that seemed to have been forgotten by us, playing on my tv.

He reached up for a popcorn, chewed and swallowed it, and said, "And at the concert, I will never forget the exact words of the poster you brought," he smiled, his eyes were nostalgic.

I opened my mouth, understood what I meant, he reached again for a popcorn, and fed me, "Uh-huh, what are those words then?," I closed my eyes, remembering the embarassing, not to mention the most cringey thing I had ever done.


He said those words with a toothy smile plastered on his lips followed by his knee knocking laugh. And I can't help but to smile and blush embarassingly.

"Aww, you're blushing," he kissed me on my forehead.

"I was 16 that time, a hormonal teenager, what do you expect?" I said matter-of-factly, half serious, trying to hide the fact that I'm embarassed. But what can I do? I was a massive fangirl who was head over heels in love with a member of a boy band that I was utterly obsessed with. And that was my only chance to make him notice me. "I thank God i have that kind of humor. I never thought cringey words would make you notice me," I added laughing. "Thanks to my parents too, I got front row tickets, or else you would have never seen my head turning, jaw dropping poster," I grinned.

He laughed. Oh how angelic his laugh sounded. "And your stunning face, I am glad I didn't miss it. But I know, if you weren't on the front row, I would still notice you. I wouldn't miss such a beautiful girl like you, I'm sure I would still see you," he said, his voice full of honesty.

Their world tour just ended successfully a month ago. And now, they have two months off, after it they'll be working on their third album. It's their chance to spend time with their loved ones. Niall spent his first month off in Mullingar of course with his family. Three weeks left of his free time, he chose to spend it with me which I'm grateful of. At times like this, we just talk about the past, how we had met.

He looked at me, "And I was so damn happy you showed up in the signing, Thalia. After the concert, I was hoping that I would meet the girl that claimed to be my princess," he took my hand and kissed it.

"I'm happy that you liked me. I was nothing but ordinary."

"No, you are beautiful," he kissed my hand again.

"I wasn't even expecting that we would be like what we are now, of course I had hoped for it. But you know, it's just seemed very unlikely. A dream, I thought, that would just stay the way as it was forever," I said thoughtfully. "Why did you choose me? I mean, you can have celebrities or models with just a word," I looked at his eyes expectantly.

He smiled. Why do you smile so often, Horan? But I love it when he does. My heart smiles too every time he does. "Do you really want me to answer that question?"

I nodded, "Mmhm."

"I chose you because I knew I loved you. I know it sounds ridiculous that I had only met you for less than a day, but I had already fallen for you. Love has really it's mysterious and even weird ways. I don't know how and why I did, there's just something in you that made me fall. I don't know if it's your captivating eyes, or your angelic voice or your beautiful smile. But I was sure of one thing that I love you. I knew what I felt was true. And I promised myself before that when I find my princess, I wouldn't let her go no matter where on earth she may be. You're my princess, Thalia. I love you."

I fought the urge to sob. I managed to hold back the tears that were attempting to fall. I was touched by his words. He sounded so sincere, it was almost unbelievable. I love this guy too, so much and I believe him. "I love you too, Ni, very much."

We dated for 6 months through internet and phone. Massive thanks to technology. We never had dates personally because he was very busy, they were the biggest boy band after all and sucks how I was half a world away. If it was up to me, I would have dropped out of school and go with him. But of course, I didn't. I don't want his family and friends to think that I was only using, Niall. He was working, I have to study too. Also for our future. And just two years from now, I'll be a chef. Funny right? He loves food and I was going to be a chef. I didn't choose to take up culinary arts only because I knew that he was a massive food lover. It was my dream since I was a kid. But I think we're just really meant for each other, eh?

Niall closed his eyes. After a while, "What are you thinking?" I asked him.

"I'm thinking about the day, I'll stand on the altar, with the lads beside me, while looking at you on a beautiful white dress walking on the aisle with your brothers on your sides, your arms linked into theirs."

I smiled. We talk about our future too, more often than we talk about the past. "Yeah," I answered, and thought about it too.

"I promise that day will come, baby. I just want to be with you for the rest of my life and beyond it. You too, right?" he asked, eager for my answer.

"Of course, I do, baby," I answered sincerely.

He smiled, glint evident in his eyes, like a glass hit by the sunlight. He hugged me tight. Like his life depended on me, never wanting to let go. "I love you very much, Thalia. Remember that you're my princess, and I'm your prince."

"I know, Ni. I love you too."

He broke the hug to hold my face and looked at my eyes, "And one day, in front of the altar, we'll be pronounced as man and wife, by then, we will be each other's king and queen."

I closed my eyes as he sealed his promise with a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2012 ⏰

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