chapter 10

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A window opened in Wendy's house for the first time it had in her childhood in what felt like centuries. Beautiful autumn leaves flew in while Moira and Forte slept in chairs together, hoping and waiting for their children to return. The two did not see their children fly in the window.

"I know her." Jack spoke up.

"She looks like an angel." Maggie added, coming closer. "Let's not wake her yet."


The two decided to sneak into their guest beds and catch up on some well deserved sleep. Felicity came in, sniffling.

Forte heard her and looked down at his daughter. "Whatever is the problem, enfant?"

Felicity sniffled, wiping her eyes. Forte decided not to disturb the reunion between Moira, Jack, Maggie, and Peter and left the room. He looked around and shut the door gently behind him. They didn't realize it, but they were going far from Wendy's place and into the snowy park.

"Do you want to talk about it, child?" Forte asked, hoisting her up in his arms.

Felicity wiped her nose with her sleeve. "Maman died..."

"What?" Forte's eyes cracked wide open. "Th-That can't be possible, mon cherie..."

"It is... Capitan Crotchet stabbed her in her chest and she died, Papa..." Felicity's voice wavered.

"Where is your Maman now?"

"Back in Neverland..."

"Oh, Flick... That can't be possible."

The sun was shining as they left. Forte and Felicity averted their eyes as Forte took out a dark and gloomy parasol to keep them safe as Peter was lying down next to Cherry in his grownup clothes, only he was curled up and she was lying on her back.

"No..." Forte whispered, shaking his head. "No, this cannot be..."

"Maman died when that broke." Felicity pointed to her mother's best charm.

Forte got down on his knees. He set Felicity down in the snow and buried his face in his withering, spidery hands. "Fliss... That... That charm is very important... I gave that for your mother on what would have been her 20th birthday if I hadn't bitten her. That charm contains her life, I made her promise to never have it broken or taken off when her life would be threatened... And now, your mother is perhaps burning in Hell, as all murdered vampires do."

"Is there not anything we can do, Papa?" Felicity asked, her voice cracking as her tears dripped down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, child," Forte pulled his only daughter into a hug, struggling out tears. His voice seemed to be a bit higher than usual as a lump formed in his throat. "We can't save your mother..." suddenly he heard tinkling like a bell. "Hmm?"

"Perhaps, I could help," Tinker Bell came closer into view. "Maestro, I wasn't very fond of your wife at first, but she really grew on me since she brought Peter home..."

"Who are you?" Forte asked.

"She is Tinker Bell, Papa, she is a pixie!" Felicity suddenly grew chipper to see the fairy again.

Tinker Bell laughed a little, then settled herself. "I'm not a nurse, but I have magical powers that can bring your beloved back... If you want that is..."

"Of course I do," Forte slowly told her. "Cerise is the rain cloud of my immortality." he stated, a darker rendition of 'sunshine of my life'.

"Okay, stand back..." Tinker Bell made herself go higher and she used magical rays around Cherry's body. The magic beamed with harmonious music coming on and giving Cherry a new necklace pendant to replace her old one.

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