chapter 3

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It was late and all were settled inside for Wendy's ceremony. Peter stood and spoke in front of everyone who attended the ceremony in her honor. The audience released cheerful laughter with Peter's jokes before presenting the woman of the hour.

"I would like to thank the board of trustees of the great Ormand Street Hospital for having me this evening," Peter said, after taking a sip and putting his jokes to rest. "And I beg your forgiveness because normally, I'm used to addressing shareholders. We don't know each other and I doubt that we have very much in common except for this wonderful woman, Wendy Angela Darling. Granny Wendy brought me in from the cold.

"She taught me to read and write. She even found people to be my parents and adopt me. She's loved so many children just so efforlet...effors... effortlessly," Peter still struggled slightly with speaking due to his upbringing, but he did his best, making Wendy a proud mother figure.

"That's her achievement. Many of you here were once lost children, but Granny Wendy found parents and homes for each of you and saved you. That's her miracle," Peter continued, while Cherry was struggling to keep Forte awake. "And I know, that if you could stand now, you would express much better than I have your feelings of gratitude, appreciation, and warm feelings for this wonderful woman."

Several of the people in the audience stood up to honor Wendy during Peter's words of wisdom. Though Cherry wasn't an orphan when she knew Wendy and hadn't seen her since her husband left to World War II, she stood up as well. Moira couldn't believe her eyes and cupped her mouth that so many people loved her grandmother as much as she did. Wendy was indeed touched herself.

"I guess we do have something in common," Peter smiled a little. "We're orphans."

There came a model of the hospital for Wendy and she was all a twitter to see what was happening before. Oh, what a night indeed. She nearly looked like she could cry. Peter and Moira helped Wendy up as she looked in sincere happiness. However, a big blow of wind outside made her look a little shocked and she looked as though she were having an episode of some type. Suddenly the window blew open and a lot of strange wind came over them and the power went out.

"Wendy!" Forte cried, rushing to her aid with Cherry.

"Wendy, are you okay?" Cherry asked the woman who seemed very unresponsive and looked as though she were in sheer shock.

Wendy didn't answer anyone. She looked in shock and looked a little heart stopped and overwhelmed over something. She smiled at her guests and nodded her head to assure them, even though she looked very unwell just a moment ago.

"I feel something wrong in the atmosphere..." Cherry said, raking her hand through her hair and fiddling with her glasses.

Forte squeezed her arm and held her close in case she would faint. The people clapped proudly for Wendy and didn't seem to be affected by what happened outside or what the strange sensation could be. Everyone still clapped for Wendy, but she had a nervous frown.

After a while, they all went home. Wendy was probably up too late and needed to get some rest. The driver pulled them up and Forte felt odd to be in a real car this time instead of using the horse-drawn carriage he usually rode with his family.

"Thank you, Nigel... Norman..." Peter tried to thank.

"Neville, sir." the driver told him.

"Neville?" Peter raised an eyebrow. "Is that English?"

Cherry rolled her eyes and shook her head at that question. Everyone got out of the car. Peter and Moira helped Wendy get inside while Forte kept his eye on Cherry. She was looking rather strange over something like Wendy, but no one could find out their problem. Peter and Moira congratulated Wendy, but she was in slight shock still. They came close to the front door and saw the glass on the door was shattered, which worried the adults gratefully.

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