Judgement Day

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Joe was standing, naked, his arms bound between two steel columns. Behind him were two large freight boxes lying side by side on the floor. Joe had dried blood flecked down the side of his face. Stephen looked at Joe and then at Margie, specifically, and began "Well, let me introduce you to Joe... Oh that's right, you know Joe." Stephen's eyes narrowed and his voice crackled with malice as he looked at Joe and then back at Margie. Stephen saw Margie stiffen, her jaws clench, and he saw her hands draw into fists. He smiled, he knew the rage that she felt; however Todd's reaction surprised Stephen. Seeing his wife's tormentor bound and chained should have evoked some response, instead Todd just looked at Joe and turned his head.

Margie's next reaction startled even Stephen. She closed the distance to Joe in a flash. With as much force as she could exert, she kicked Joe squarely between the legs. The force cause his feet to leave the ground. His body slumped in pain, he needed to puke, but couldn't because of the gag. She grabbed his hair and pulled his head back. She looked into his eyes and spit on his face. She then backhanded him across the cheek. She turned back to face Todd and shook her head. A look of steel clearly visible in her eyes. She wheeled around and punched Joe in the face. His nose crunched from the force of her blow. Joe's body slumped from the blow, he couldn't breathe because of the broken nose and stifling gag. She punched him again and again. Stephen stepped forward and caught her hand.

"Easy now, wait for one second." Stephen softly said. He pulled the gag from Joe's mouth. "It would be too kind to let him suffocate." Stephen said as he looked at Margie. She nodded her head and clenched her jaws tighter. With that, he let go of her hand "Go ahead knock yourself out" he told Margie with a grin. She nodded and her ferocity shocked Todd, she punched, kicked, and even clawed at Joe. Finally exhausted, she stepped back. Joe's face, chest, and groin were a hodgepodge of scratches, bruises, and swelling. His visage was almost unrecognizable.

As Margie caught her breath, Stephen looked at Todd and shook his head. Todd didn't so much as speak a word to Joe during the whole encounter. Todd just looked on solemnly. Finally, Stephen asked Todd, "Nothing? I gift wrap him for you and nothing? What you let your wife subject herself to at the hands of this man and his friends, for you, and still nothing?" Stephen asked as his voice cracked with emotion. Todd looked at Margie and said, "They did it to her, not to me, they just made me watch. She alone deserves to dole out vengeance, while I watch." Todd barked. Stephen nodded and simply said, "I apologize Todd, I respect that." Margie was about to launch back into Joe when Stephen softly said, "Don't. I will finish what has to be done, that will not be on your conscious."

Through clenched teeth, Margie said, "But there were others involved, tears now streaming down her cheeks." "I know." Stephen said and he reached up and wiped her eyes. "Please follow me." Stephen said as he took Margie's hand and turned towards the boxes in the back of the room. Todd followed behind Stephen and Margie as they made their way to the first freight box. "Open it Margie, but I warn you it's not pretty" Stephen softly said. Margie opened the lid and found Vincent. Or what was Vincent, namely his battered and lifeless body. His face was twisted in horror. Margie should have been revolted, but she grimly nodded. Stephen barely heard her mumble, "Good, it serves you right you sorry bastard. May God forgive you, but I won't" Stephen put his hand on Margie's shoulder and gently squeezed. She met his eyes and he nodded.

He then walked them to the next box. Before Stephen could utter a word, Margie opened the box hurriedly and therein she found Jacob. This time, Margie didn't just mumble, both Todd and Stephen clearly heard her say, "You're as dead as your sperm, you sick bastard. That's right, I didn't have your child, and I bet your boys couldn't even swim!" With that she slammed the lid of the box and turned to Stephen.

"Okay, what does the organization want from us, Stephen?" Margie said quietly, but boldly. Stephen looked at her with utter admiration. This woman was a fighter, a survivor, maybe she'll be worth it after all. He looked at Todd and sighed. What a waste Stephen thought, this bastard doesn't even know what he has in her. He's just too damn broken to see it.

"Tell me Stephen, what about Joe?" Margie asked. Stephen met her gaze and said "I left him alive solely for you. This was my gift to you, you deserve justice. As far as the organization is concerned, Joe is already dead. Would you have me show him mercy?" Stephen asked. Her mind flashed to Joe speaking the names of her children. "Mercy? Was mercy given to me?" She asked as her voice reflected months of her shame. Neither Todd nor Stephen could understand the depths of her shame and inner pain, as both remained absolutely silent.

Margie and Todd followed Stephen as he walked back towards Joe. Without a word, Stephen walked behind Joe and grabbed his hair. He pulled his head back and forced him to lock eyes with Margie. As their gazes met, Stephen produced Vincent's blade and sliced Joe's throat. Margie never blinked, she watched as the life left Joe's eyes with dark satisfaction. Stephen eventually let go of Joe's lifeless head and his head fell forward and slumped onto his chest. Margie turned away and walked towards the door. "Wait, where are you going?" Stephen asked, suddenly concerned for her. "I don't care what the offer costs, I will do it. Tell the organization I am in." Margie said as she left the room.

Satisfied, Stephen walked them out of the warehouse and to their car. He opened the door for Margie and shut it behind her. He leaned down into the window and looked at both of them. "The world doesn't know what those men did to you, neither will the world know what we did to them. This is our bond, I shed blood for you and you shed blood for us." Stephen said and nodded solemnly to Margie. "The organization will be in contact soon. Now please, go home, take a shower, pick up your kids and live your lives." He said warmly. Margie met Stephen's eyes one last time as he patted the top of her car and pointed his head towards the exit.

Margie and Todd drove home in silence. Margie had been set free after months of shame, anger, and powerlessness. She had been locked in a perpetual fear of what Joe, Jacob, and Vincent would do next. Would they truly let them go or would they come back? Would they come after Bridget when came of age? None of that mattered now. Margie would never again be the victim.

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