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jaemin bounced on the heels of his feet, slacks clicking on the floor, leaving behind black smudges. first year of senior high. excitement flares up within him, insides burning in anticipation, "hurry up, hyuck!" he shouts, impatiently.

"calm down, we aren't in a rush." donghyuck wanders into the kitchen, "and stop bouncing, you'll mark the floor up." jaemin shook his head, "no I wont!" Brown orbs peer down to discover the black stains, worriedly standing on them to cover them up.

donghyuck grabs a slice of toast, "let's just fucking leave, 'kay?", this sent jaemin whirling towards the front door, donghyuck's mother quickly rushing over, "wait boys! photo before you go!".

donghyuck emitted a loud sigh as his mother pulled out a camera, jaemin smiled widely, an arm draped over donghyuck's shoulder as the said boy half heartedly smiled. click.

"okay go! have a good day, boys!"

donghyuck opened the door, pushing jaemin's tall figure out and slamming the door behind them. "how are you possibly in such a good mood?" jaemin shrugged, an ear to ear grin still being sported, gums on display, "it's just been so long! I've kind of missed it."

donghyuck stared back "I worry about you." they jog for the school bus which, although hyuck insisted they wouldn't, they were going to miss. "I told you we should've left earlier." jaemin spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

"yeah whatever, we're here now it should be here any second," as donghyuck correctly estimated, the bus sharply turned the corner pulling up in front of the two boys, "see, now get on."

once arriving at the school gates, a horrible relapse feeling crawled up jaemin's spine, goose bumps laying all over his body, he wants to go home. the cheerful and excited jaemin of ten minutes ago was now replaced with jaemin who was dreading walking into the gates, head aching thinking about trying to do work.

"hyuck, on second thoughts," he paused, backing up, "I'm just going to take today off, I'm not feeling so good."

donghyuck shook his head, "no no no, you dragged us here, I insisted we come in tomorrow but no. come on jaemin, let's just get this over with and go home."

as they walked in, it started to dawn on the two boys they were no longer the oldest, they were now the youngest, being sixteen and surrounded by seventeen and eighteen year olds, it was fucking terrifying.

the halls of the school were much bigger but with less people, there was more room to move around and the two boys stood awkwardly in their first year uniform.

as jaemin stood, his eyes were immediately set on a pretty blonde boy with bangs, sporting a gucci shirt tucked into some camo trousers, he giggled cutely, the raven haired boy next to him whispering in his left ear.

donghyuck stared in awe. "he is so fucking cute," eyes trained on his beautiful features, staring at the other's wide eyes, "sorry hyuck, but it looks like he's taken." the raven haired boy that was whispering, now had his tongue in the boy's ear as the cute blonde flushed a deep red colour, pushing him away playfully.

"guess I'll just admire him from afar then." jaemin gave him a skeptical look, "hyuck, he is in the last year, don't you think you should go for someone in our year and without a boyfriend?" jaemin remarks teasingly.

"I like older guys." he says nonchalantly, shrugging along with the comment. jaemin shook his head.

"older guys are bad news, buddy," as the comment left the boys lips, the school bell rang and all the students started to flock the halls in order to budge their way to lesson.

the fear settled in.

I fucking love jaemin and jeno, theyre my true loves, I really was excited to write a jeno x jaemin so here it is! hope it doesn't suck too much xx

p.s : their school system is like the american one, however, if there are mistakes it's because i'm from england.

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