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"listen to this, I have four reports due, and guess how many I've done!" jeno pretended to think for a second before answering, "none?"

"that's right! fucking none!" jeno laughed while he stacked school books into his locker, however keeping his physics book ready for first lesson. "renjun, did you do the homework?" jeno presented a tattered white sheet before the boys intense eyes.

"you have to be joking me! of course not!" jeno tossed it his way because he knew the boy would snatch it out of his hands anyway. jeno quite literally thanked his lucky stars he managed to finish it in the car, on his way here.

jeno had managed to arrive to school in a matter of minutes after dawdling this morning. his mother dropping him off at the gates and instantly being met with his short friend who did nothing but complain.

the bell was due to go any minute yet renjun was taking his time putting the answers in. he jumped out of his skin when the morning bell bounced off the walls noisily and attacked their not fully awake brains.

"come on, dip shit, we don't want to be late." renjun groaned, scribbling his answers in messily, and shoving the homework in his jean pocket. they walk to their form group.


second lesson had rolled around and jaemin's mind still burned thinking back to this morning. he was itching to tell hyuck but he really couldn't deal with any behavioural points if he was caught talking in lesson.

vast and dark eyes flash in his mind, making his knees weak and cheeks flush. this jaemin would have been loathed by past jaemin, no doubt. he always complained every-time donghyuck had a new crush, because every time it felt they were getting older and older, and lee jeno was a constant reminder of his former morales.

the bell sliced through the dead air in the classroom, everyone dropping their pens and packing away, wanting to be first in line for
free bagels in the canteen. "you okay? you look a bit distracted?" hyuck observed, putting equipment away and standing beside jaemin's desk.

"yeah yeah, listen to this," hyuck was intrigued leaning in closer to listen to jaemin's anecdote, "remember that senior, jeno?" hyuck nodded biting his lip, wondering where exactly this story was heading.

"well I ran into him this morning! like literally chest bumped him and fell over, on my way to school." hyuck proceeded to piss, "that's hilarious, oh my god." he wiped fake tears from the corners of his eyes, as they walked through the halls trying to find somewhere to sit.

"no listen! it was really nice, he stared at me and he helped me up."

"I hate to break it to you, jaemin, buddy, but i don't think he has give this as much thought as you have." jaemin deflated, he was growing a little tired of donghyuck putting him down, instead of cheering him on.

"hey! I think he has, he is probably thinking about me right now." jaemin happened to eye the very senior they were discussing, seeing him with a short boy with golden, honey like hair.

"look there he is!"

"jaemin, I'll pay for your dinner for a whole week if you go over and ask him for his number." jaemin was up to the challenge, positive he would win this, walking up with hyuck beside him until they stopped in front of the two seniors.

"hey jeno." the said boy looked up, meeting jaemin's eyes and smiling weakly at him, "hi?" donghyuck and renjun watching the exchange closely.

"I was wondering if I could get your number, so we could like, talk sometime?" jaemin scratched his nape, "or whatever."

jeno looked at him once more, "i'm sorry, do we like, know each other?"

jaemin went pale, already knowing the torment that was soon to arrive from hyuck, he wanted to scream, has he got the wrong lee jeno?
what happened to the boy who helped him up this morning?

suddenly, the wedding has been called off and the children were never born, because what's a wedding and a family if your 'husband' can't even remember meeting you.
i felt like updating okay? sue me

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