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the day moved swiftly on, jaemin not once, getting a second glance at the beautiful senior he happened to fall for in the space of a second.  he and hyuck had chemistry last lesson, and to be completely honest, jaemin wasn't paying any attention. like, at all.

he was too busy looking out the window and scribbling on the page in front of him, which he is sure he'll be scolded for by his teacher, but his mind just wouldn't let him focus, as he stared out, a class of all boys walks up hill for p.e, by the looks of the attire they're sporting. jaemin distracted himself by looking over the boys, all beautifully built up and tragically handsome, all wearing their own joggers and shirts.

however his eyes landed back on black hair, gazing over his toned body, tank adorning his torso and joggers perfectly hugging his defined thighs, and he wishes he could get a closer look because, wow. being in science, for once, had it's advantages, and he decided to note to himself that when he has chemistry last lesson on a monday, week one, beautiful senior that goes by the name 'jeno' will be running laps not too far away.


the school bell rang, abruptly pulling jaemin from his fantasising, becoming worried seeing nothing but the date and title on his page, alongside some notes, contrasting from hyuck's page which was full of scrawls of writing and diagrams. "hey, let me copy up your book."

"fucking hell, jaemin, first day and you're already behind?" donghyuck poked fun at the boy, "I was distracted all lesson." donghyuck raised a knowing eyebrow, "why? did you also see the seniors out there doing p.e?" donghyuck knew the answer was yes but wanted to make sure anyway.

jaemin nodded, "see jaemin, older boys are the best, especially mark, did you see him out there? fucking beautiful."

they got up and wandered out, ready to fall face first into their beds when they got home, and to complain about the abundance of homework they got already. fuck sake, it was the first day! do teachers have no mercy?

donghyuck walked beside jaemin, muttering on about something funny that mark's boyfriend said before he reached them at lunch, "you know what makes it harder, the fact that I actually like his boyfriend, hope he will forgive me when me and mark are married and have three kids."

jaemin laughed, patting hyuck on the shoulder, "dream on buddy, you know they are really serious. how are you so certain mark would give him up?" donghyuck deflated a bit, "well a guy can dream, jaemin."

he laughed once more, feeling sorry for the boy, "but anyways, who were you staring at? not mark, hopefully," jaemin shook his head, "remember that boy I pointed out? at dinner?" hyuck thought for a second before nodding, "he's way out of your league, buddy, you have just as much of a chance with him, as I do with mark."

jaemin scowled at him, "who said I wanted to date him? I just think's gorgeous." hyuck snorted, "yeah right, you're talking shit again, jae."

the chattering continue, both boys arguing over  whether or not hyuck had even a slight chance with the beautiful blonde and over the fact that jaemin, was too stubborn to admit he liked a senior. conversation carried on even further for about fifteen minutes.

they were soon outside of their houses, which were next door to each other, hyuck extended a waving arm as he disappeared through the front door, jaemin practically hearing his obnoxious, "i'm home!". jaemin pushed himself  into the house, quickly smelling food and seeing his dad stood in the kitchen.

"hey! how was your first day?"

"you know, it wasn't that bad."

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