chapter 15

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Your pov
We were going deeper in the forest until we stopped to put some gas

"So we are waiting for something?" I asked as I sat on the tree

"For captain to give us the order to go back" Erd said

"Mmmh" I hummed and nodded

Soon enough there was green smoke in the air

"It's captain, let's go" Erd said and we started heading back, as soon as we left some came following us

"Who is this?" I asked and turned my attention to the person

"I don't know" Petra said as she looked behind

The person came in front us and killed Gunther, then it left

"It's the female form Titan, COME HERE AND GET US" Petra said

And soon after she said that the female Titan appeared

"You two stay behind we will take care of it" Erd said and went to kill the Titan with the rest

As they were fighting the Titan she chopped Erd in half and spat out the other half

"Erd!!" Petra screamed

The Titan looked at her and as she was flying to get away she crushed her on a tree

"Petra!!" Oluo screamed

"I'll get you, you bastard" he said and went up to the Titan but she slammed him on the floor and he died too

"Guys!!!" I screamed and looked at Eren

"Eren go and don't look back!!" I yelled at him but he just stared at me

I left and went to fight her, I shot with my 3dmg to a tree but she came quickly and hit me and the last thing that I saw was Eren transforming into a Titan on the distance

Levi's pov
I got at the place where the lightning was heard, and I saw my squad, there, dead I saw Gunther, Erd, oluo and lastly Petra but I saw something with the corner of my eye, I looked and there I saw (y/n) hanging from her 3dmg upside down from a tree, I went up to her and saw if she was breathing and to my luck she was

"You Reckless idiot" I said as I looked at her face and cadets where coming

"You cadet, Sasha right?" I asked

"Yes, sir" she said

"Help me get her down she's not dead" I said to her and left her to get her to the wagon, and left to get Eren

As I was getting there I saw his friend Mikasa, then we saw the Titan and went to her, the power inside me woke up and I got to her and cut every muscle she had and then that gloomy child had to come over, as the Titan was about to hit her I got the way and pushed her arm down making my leg hurt badly, then I sliced her mouth and took Eren out

"Eren!" Mikasa yelled

"He's fine and filthy too" I said and got him to the wagon

"Captain,may I ask something?" Armin said

"You may" I said

"Where is cadet (y/n) jeager?" He asked at first I hesitate to answer him

"Follow me" I said and got to the wagon that was her

"Is she ok?" He said with tears in his eyes

"She will if we get back quickly and take care of her wounds" I said

"How did that-" he started saying but then he broke Down to tears

"I'm sorry captain, it's that she always stood up to me and I can't lose a friend" he cried

"It's ok, I can't lose her too" I mumbled the last part

I left and we started getting the corpses to the wagons, as we got them in we started heading back but we were followed by Titans

"Sir they are catching up on us what do we do?" One cadet asked

"Throw the corpses, some soldiers doesn't make it back, they won't make a difference" I said and they threw the corpses and the Titans left

Eren's pov
I woke up and saw Mikasa

"What happened?" I asked

"You're ok!!" She said

"Did you saved me again?" I asked as I tried to get up then it hit me

"Where's (y/n)??" I asked but she still looked down

"Tell me!!" I yelled

"Oi, brat shut up she's in the wagon next to you, alive" captain Levi said

"Thank God" I said and then started crying

3 weeks later

It's been 3 weeks and still she's not awake

"Captain may I go see my sister?" I asked captain Levi

"You have to wait for her to wake up for the Time being I'll go to see her and I'll inform you" captain Levi said and got inside

Levi's pov
"(Y/n) please wake up, please" I said as I held her hand

I looked at her sleeping figure and then at her lips, I leaned in and kissed her like the fairy tales but nothing happened

"I wish I could of told you sooner but, I like you" I told her hoping that she was hearing but nothing again

humanity's hope// Levi x eren's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now