Chapter 5

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Daniel's p.o.v

Oh god oh god

I can't believe the alarm clock didn't work this morning

I'm gonna be late!

On my first day!!!!
I rushed as I put my clothes on really fast. I almost forgot my tie. Stupid professional wear thingy.

I quickly ran out of the house skipping breakfast even though I don't eat breakfast often.

I ran through the streets so fast that I almost bumped a kid. Jesus can I be more clumsy.

8:57  and I was out side of that same building that I met him. God I hope I don't mess it up.

As I got inside I saw the secretary and I went up to her

"Good morning" I said

"Good morning mr Craig ,mr Stewart is expecting you." She said

"Um can you tell me what floor is he on?" I asked

"Yeah he is on the top floor"

And then I realized...

"Wait you mean the boss? THE boss?"


Oh god I'm officially dead

"Ok thank you" I said.

I went to the elevator and pressed the highest floor.
As I rode the elevator I don't know why but I started to think about him. God he was so handsome. I wish I could just kiss-

My thoughts were stopped by the elevator as it dinged. The doors opened and I got in seeing a clean desk outside of the office. I'm guessing that I'll be working there.

I knocked on the doors and I heard a deep voice sayin "come in". And just from his voice I know how it is.

I opened the doors revealing him or should I call him mr Stewart sitting at his desk. He looked up from his papers connecting our eyes together.

Those eyes can make you just melt in your

"Hello Daniel. You may have a sit" he said with his toe curling voice. I almost moaned

I sat at the chair in front of him as he spoke

"Welcome to your new job. You will be my secretary/PA . If you haven't noticed you desk is right outside my office. Come" he said as he rose from his chair and walked with me to my desk.

He handed me a tablet and said "this is your work tablet that's where you will ‏ schedule my meetings and check some emails and what not. Any questions so far?"

"Yes. Um since you know I'm still in high school I don't have a lot of classes but I have a few. Now I only have about two months till graduation so i will have to work only after my classes but most of em are at the morning so so I'm gonna have to start at 10:00 am is that fine?" I hope not.

"No of course not but you will have to stay till late at night alright?"

"Yes thank you!" Oh Jesus Christ thank you

"Well if you need anything I'm right behind those doors alright?"

"Yes sir"

I hope I don't mess up

Christian p.o.v

"Yes sir"

Oh god my cock twitched when he said that. God damn

And when he turned around to his desk...damn those pants are looking tight as hell. And his ass too.

I want him so bad right now. I wish I could just fuck him on his desk. But I can't. At least not yet.

But don't'll be soon enough.

(God I wish I could finish the chapter right here but it's too short)

Daniel's p.o.v

Today has been really long. So many meetings and so many emails. I don't know how I held this long.

It's already 9:30 pm and only now mr Stewart finished his sixth meeting of the day.

Now we are back at the office.

I sat down and sighed...I'm so tiered I wanna go home.

"Hey Daniel are you ok?" Asked mr Stewart

"Yeah everything's fine mr Stewart just a little tiered if I'm done for the day would you mind if I go home?" When I said that he had a very disappointed look on his face.

"Oh...well I was wondering if you wanted to go grab dinner with me but you can go home if you want"

What?! I...wait what?! Did he just asked me to have dinner with him?! What should I say?

"Um no it's fine I'll have dinner with you I don't mind" and the second I said that his eyes had a twinkle in them but his face stayed blank.

"Alright I'll meet you downstairs in 15 minutes" he said


Even though I looked fine on the outside,on the inside I was super excited and nervous for this dinner.


Another one😉

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