Chapter 3

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Daniel's p.o.v

"Aah" I sigh as I was walking down the street. I've been walking for hours and hours and my legs are hurting so bad.

I've been looking for a job for the past 5 hours. like how the hell in this giant ass city there's not even a one god damn job for me?!

Like I'm pretty sure I've been walking the same block like 2 time or something.

You now what?! I give up! I am to tiered to continue looking for a new job. Maybe I should continue tomorrow.
Let's just go home and continue tomorrow. Actually....I think I'm kind of lost...oh shit.

Oh and you know what's the worst part?! My phone is out of battery so I can't call an Uber so I also don't have a ride!!

I looked in my pocket to see maybe I have some money to buy a cab or something. When I looked in my pocket there was no money. Great now I can't even call a cab.IM FUCKING BROKE!!!!!

My legs started to hurt from all the walking so I sat down at a bench in front of an expensive and huge looking building.
I just sat the and looked up at the sky. Why does my life have to be so fucking hard.

What am I going to do now?!
I have no job, no money and soon i might not have a home to live in. How am I going to pay the rent? I don't want to have to start making money off of sex!

Soon tears started to fall from my eyes and I just sat there and cried, even though it wouldn't help the situation.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder "hey are you ok?"

Christian's p.o.v

After lunch I got back to my building and continued working.

A few hours past and before I new it, it was pitch black outside.i guess I was so caught up with work that I didn't notice it was night time.

I decided that I should go home and continue work tomorrow. I gathered my things and went to the elevator and pressed the ground button.

When the elevator reached the ground floor the doors open and I went to the lobby. I walked to the door and said "thank you" to the doorman that opened for the door for me and walked to my car but I stopped.

I heard crying coming from the bench in front of my car. I walked closer and saw a familiar cute young boy crying his eyes out.

"Hey are you ok?" I asked. He jumped from the bench and put his hand on his chest. "Jesus you scared me!" He said while blushing. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just saw you crying and wanted to see if you were ok." I said

You know I have never been this nice to a person before. But he was different. Usually I scare the living hell out of them. I looked at his eyes and saw pain and fear but I don't think I caused it.

I could tell by his red chicks. Ugh he looked so cute I just wanted to eat him. Now I want him even more!

"Yeah I'm fine I-I just had a rough day that's all". He said while looking down at his feet. I knew he wasn't telling the truth so l glared at home and asked "are u sure?" He was trying to show confidence in his by trying to look at my eyes but he couldn't keep his gaze up for a second.i could see he was embarrassed.


Ohhhh he is just so cute!!!!!!
I just want to eat him. GOD!

"Why what's wrong?" I asked. He lowered his head to hide his tears but I still saw them.
After a while of crying he relaxed and said "I-It's just that....I just got fired from my new job and I can't find a god damn job in this twin and I don't know what to do....I have to pay for rent soon and what am I going to do about school?! Ugh I hate my life!" And he burst into tears.

I kinda felt bad for him. I was born with a golden spoon in my mouth so I can't complain. He looked like a mess. Those bags under his red eyes and his messy hair and clothes.

I grabbed him and hugged him. I let him cry on me. He was wetting my shirt but I didn't care. All I cared at that moment was....him.

But then an idea popped into my head.

"Listen I have an idea but you have to listen first before you say anything alright?!" He looked at me shocked.he nodded a 'yes' fast.


" would you feel about working for me?!" I said and smirked.

I'm a genius...


Tum tum tum!!!!
Yay I updated finally!
Sorry man got caught up with school and my family. Shit,life's hard man!

We'll see you next time❤️

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