Baby it's cold outside~ (erased)

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[3rd POV]

The snow fell in soft piles on the ground, pure and untainted by the numerous people going about their day. All of a sudden a sneeze interrupted the peaceful atmosphere, the disturbance coming from under the thick blanket of snow which had started to move about before it started to rise, the kids that had come to investigate the 'mystery pile' startled and jumped back as the snow fell around the emerged figure which was revealed to be a girl with ocean blue hair and unique magenta orbs which promptly locked onto the little cult of elementary schoolers surrounding her with with curiosity in their gazes focused towards the strange girl who had apparently decided to take a nap in the freezing cold.

The girl looked at them with a slightly blank gaze before asking one of them for the date, once her question was answered her face fell with annoyed acceptance before promptly dropping back into the snow with a loud sigh and simply stated "dont you have school or something?" as she lifted her hand and shooed the kids into leaving. As the kids left she let her hand flop onto the ground and turned her gaze towards the snow which had continued to pile around her as the time passed, "now...where the fuck am I?" she voiced to her surroundings with a sweatdrop as she remembered the past couple of hours that had led up to this moment.

"lets see..." she muttered as she thought back on previous events.


~ It all started when I met a white haired samurai who ran around asking to borrow money~


"Wait wait wait! Wrong flashback! Jeez get it right this time!"


~"So you want to use my machine to go back in time before your grandfather ate your pudding- instead of i dont know? just buying a new one?" the male stated as he watched his sisters best friend walk over towards his newly created time machine before straining his ears to hear the girls reply as she got further away from the controls he was standing by .

"Pretty much, I couldn't be bothered to go all the way to kyoto after all, its sold exclusively in a speciality shop in that region unfortunately" she said with obvious dissapointment after being reminded of just why she had come down to his lab without an invitation. She continued to walk before coming to a near stop and finally entering the time machine, but not before letting out a final comment "you really modelled it after the tardis huh...well only the outside it seems" she muttered with a deadpan before giving the signal to start it without bothering to listen to the males offensive reply.

'How did he even hear me?' she thought whilst the annoyed scientist set the coordinates. Just as the machine started to make whirling noises, she spotted a blue butterfly that seemed to be glowing enter through a small crack in the doorframe.~

"AH!" the flashback was disrupted by a sudden shout coming from the bluenette. "It must've been that weird butterfly!" apparently satisfied with her conclusion she stood up and dusted off the remaining snow with her near frozen hands "honestly, its a miracle I haven't gotten frostbite with how long I was lying in the damp snow" she muttered before setting off in order to find a convenience store, unaware that her strange appearance had caused a ruckus at the nearby elementary school in which a certain teacher works at.


[3rd POV]

"Really sensei! she just came out of the snow! she wasnt even wearing a coat, im suprised she could even move!" one of the girls, that was apart of the group that had discovered the strange girl that same morning, told her homeroom teacher with various gestures as if to show her suprise before calming down as another took her finishing as a cue to chime in with their thoughts.

"Maybe she was a Yuki-Onna! She was really pretty! Ah! But her eyes were beautiful as well! They were like jewels!" the girl who made that declaration sighed happily at the memory of the girls eyes before startling as a boy joined the conversation from behind her. "Idiot! She couldn't have been a Yuki-Onna! She had to be only a couple of years older than us!".

The two glared at eachother before a hand patted both of their shoulders and their teacher gently pulled them apart and scolded them "now now, you shouldn't fight like that. its a very interesting story but you shouldn't talk to strangers okay?" he stated before listening to the chorus of agreements "now go back to your seats because class is about to start" he finished as he walked to the blackboard in the front of the classroom in order to write the lessons subject as his students reluctantly went and sat down.

'Hmmm...maybe i'll look around town for the visitor this evening? It wouldnt do to miss my prey is always welcomed after all' the teacher thought with a disturbing smile before plastering on a pleasant facade as he turned back towards his students.


[3rd POV]

*ACHOO!* The said 'visitor' sneezed as she browsed the shelves of the convenience store she had found after wandering around for a while. "Did I catch a cold from being in the snow for too long?" she muttered unaware of the growing interest some curious elementary schoolers had ignited inside their teacher.

[Kei's POV]

'May as well pick up some snacks, afterall i've been patiently waiting for the point of view to change back' she thought whilst walking through the aisles in search of her go-to snack. 'Pocky~' the girl hummed under her breath happily due to finding her favourite treat; before walking aimlessly through the aisles in search for what she had originally come for.

'where the heck is the newspapers at?' the girl wondered before spotting the item at the counter beside a listless employee and speed walked towards the counter with relief that they had them in stock.

[3rd POV]

The employee looked up from where they were occupied with their phone when they heard the tell tale rustle of the newspaper signaling that someone was picking one up to purchase, the university student dragged their eyes upwards towards startling magenta eyes that were looking at him with expectation whilst dropping the desired items onto the counter where they thunked onto the hard surface before casually rocking back and forth on her heels waiting for him to finish scanning the things she picked out before passing the exact amount into his hand and rushing away after picking up the bag with her items, all of a sudden the girl stopped as if remembering something important and skipped back towards the counter.

"Hey, where's the clostest hotel?" she asked in a hurry and quickly rushed off once again after being given directions through startled stutters.

"strange girl" he thought with a furrowed eyebrow before trying to remember if he had seen her before 'although, she asked for a hotel so she's probably just visiting' finishing his earlier train of thought he went back to looking at his phone as the presence of the girl left his mind.


Im alive! Well on the outside anyway. For the past couple of days i've been searching for erased fanfiction with oc's or readers since it's such a good series, but has a serious lack of variety. Maybe it's because it's a relatively short series?

Anyway I was in class searching yet again before I thought 'you know what, Kei would totally be up for this' and BAM! I wrote this.

Very little of the events in this particular book will be apart of canon for the most part but I do have plans for some of the canon events, but it'll mostly just be Kei in the background following them around like the cockroach she is (a very persistent, rich, persuasive cockroach).

Don't expect me to publish regularly because most of the time I have classes and work to do, and others I don't have the motivation to write.

Any rude or offensive comments will either be deleted or be given a sarcastic reply to so don't bother wasting both our time nor the notifications k?~

Peace out - Red (o O)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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