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I woke up with a major headache. It hurt to open my eyes because of the light of what I'm guessing is the sun. I reached up and rubbed my eyes. When I was able to open them a little I noticed I wasn't at home. That made me shoot up real quick. I sat up on the rather soft bed and looked around. I looked down at myself and noticed I was naked. My breast were visible while below my waist was covered with the blanket.

"Aw shit. What the hell did do last night!" I said aloud to myself.

My hair was a mess and my legs were kind of sore so it was kinda clear to tell I had sex last night. But with who?

To make things worse, someone burst open the door. I wasnt ready, I almost pissed myself as I screamed. The guy jumped a little. I quickly covered my chest then pulled the blankets up around me.

"Well good afternoon to you too. Dont you its think too early in the day to be screaming" he said.

I looked around for a clock. I found it on his night stand. It read 12:34. I looked back at the guy who was now walking closer to the bed.

"Uh look I gotta go" I said scooting to the other side where I spotted some of my clothes.

"But I made you breakfast beautiful. I know you gotta be hungry"

"Nope! Im fine. Can you leave me for a second please?"

"Well uh ok. Kicked out my own room" he said as he closed the door.

When he left I sighed and put my head in my hands.

'Im so fucking stupid! What was I thinking last! Note to self, you dont need that other drink boo' I thought to myself.

I scooted out of the bed and searched for my clothes. I managed to find my skirt, heels, and bra. I put them on and searched through some of his drawers for a shirt. It was really big on me but at the moment I didnt care, I just wanted to get out of here, quick! Thats when it hit me.

My car probably isnt even here.

I groaned and looked out the window at his driveway and like magic my car wasnt there. Although this neighborhood looks familiar. I guess I can walk. I sighed and brushed my hair out my face.

This has got to be the worst day ever.

I sucked it up, stood up and headed towards the door. I kept my hand on the door knob and thought about this. I was just gonna keep walking, no matter what he says keep going. But wheres the front door? Ill just have to wing it.

I quietly opened the door and looked around. I was upstairs. I walked to the stairs and looked down. I saw him sitting on a couch watching tv and I saw my purse on a table near a door. I krept down the stairs and walked to what looks like the only logical place for a front door. I grabbed the purse and I, as quickly as I could, opened the door, ran out and closed it. I speed walked in my heels down the street away from his house.

"Hey! HEY!" He yelled after me, embarrassing me ever more. He jogged up to me and grabbed my arm.

"Let go off me you asshole!" I yelled yanking away from him.

"Im an asshole?! Okay, anyway. You dont have a car and im sure you're tired. Let me drive you home at least"

"Im fine!" I said walking away again.

This time he just stood there then walked back to his home. Eventually I came to street I knew and walk at least a mile or two back home. Once I got inside I flopped down on the couch feeling dirty.

'I cant believe myself. I mean even if I was drunk did I have to sleep with someone so ugly. He was like a man camel! He was kind an- wait his ass wasnt kind. That walking petting zoo took advantage of me. I feel like a hoe. Am I a hoe? Aw shit I am a hoe! Ugh Hoeoncé. Let me take a shower and try to wash some filth off of me'

I got up and headed to the shower. I took two migrane pills before stepping into the warm water. Thank goodness its Saturday, I did not feel like going to work today. Once I got out the shower I went to my room, dried off, lotioned my body, then put on some underwear, sweats, and a sweat shirt. I put my dirty clothes and his shirt in a hamper and hopped on my bed. I tried to remember what happen last night and who was this nigga I slept with.

I was slowly starting to remember. I was at the club with....


Till next update my friends. I know the first chaptah kinda sucked but bear with me homie. How ya like so far tho?

Oh and remember to give feedback please 😋

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