Part 2-Not so Fast Girl

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Appalled by his comments, the Enchantress went to sit alone near the fireplace. 

The thought of him resisting her charm was baffling. Never had this happened before.

She sense that the presence of someone watching her. 

From the corner of her eye she notice who it was.

He sipped his glass of wine in triumph.  

Who was she to assume that he was fall prey to her?

He was smarter than what she thought.

Ethan walked over to her and offered his hand.

"My lady, I apologize for being so forward."

She took his hand, despite her own reluctance. They both walked back to the dining area and he offered her another glass of wine.

 "I trust that you are not troubled by my honesty."

She wasn't sure whether to walk away or slap him.

"Good sir, I do not know what would make you think I attempted to seduce you."

Ethan wasn't falling for her ruse.

"Did you not caress my arm and hand affectionately?"

She ignored him and turned her face away.

"Also, why would you say that the other female guests aren't as beautiful as you?"

She ignored him once more. She smiled at him by placing her hand on his chest.

"Do you exercise regularly?" 

"I could remove my shirt if you want me to?"

She was bewildered, was this man telepathic?

"Why would you say that?"

She was trying THAT hard?

"Well most women as attracted to a certain part of a man."

She stroke her finger in-between the buttons of his shirt.

"I'm attracted to a certain type of man."

"The gullible type?"

Abruptly she moved her hand away. 

"I think I'll help myself to another glass of wine."

He smiled.

"My, my, I have drove you to drink."

She gulped her first sip.

"What makes you think that?"

"I think you know."

He took the wine bottle away from the table and guided her back to the fireplace. He took one of the empty seats with an end table beside it.

"I can watch the fireplace all night."

"Wouldn't you go bore?"

"Not with a beauty such as yourself beside me."

She laid her hands on his shoulder.

Wait, what am I doing?

She got up and took the next sit beside his. She stared intently as the flames flickered.

He turned to her and smile. 

Good, now it time for my plan.

"I remember once having a dream involving a fireplace."



"What happened?"

"I was lying in the living room, similar to this one. The fire was blazing brightly. Than a beautiful girl with long hair and a matching color dress came and asked if I was okay."

She was speechless.

"She sat next to me and tried to have her way with me."

"What else happened?"

"I punished her."

Her eyes widen in horror. "Punished her?" 

"I made her begged."

"What did you make her do?"

Suddenly the music came back and the crowd started to dance again.

"Would you like to dance again?"

Although she was conflicted she couldn't say no.


As they dance, she gazed at him and he simply smile.

What was it about this man?

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