chapter 3

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Mulan came to the dinner table after seeing her father. She had a look of pure shock and horror on her face. Cherry and Peach were sure it had something to do with her father's condition and what would likely happen if he went to war against the Huns. Everyone was bitterly silent as Mulan was pouring tea for her father, Zhou.

Mulan couldn't take it anymore. "You shouldn't have to go!" she said, slamming her hands on the table and raising from her seat.

"Mulan!" Li called out her daughter as she ate rice.

"There are plenty of young men of fight for China!" Mulan continued her rant.

"It is an honor to protect my country and my family." Zhou defended.

"So you'll DIE for honor." Mulan glared at him.

Zhou stood up next to her, just as angry. "I will die doing what's right."

"I wanna die in a dungeon.... I'd like to be tortured until I confess which would be never." Peach tried to lighten the mood with her black comedy.

"But," Mulan spoke up again, trying to get him out of it so he wouldn't get killed. "If you--"

"I know my place!" Zhou argued with her. "It's time you learn yours."

Mulan stared at her father. She was very angry, sad and flustered. She then stormed out, crying outside. Zhou felt immeditately bad. Cherry got up and went out with Mulan to comfort her while Peach sat in her place, eating her egg fried rice with chopsticks. She moaned with pleasure, egg fried rice being her favorite. Cherry growled in irritation, coming back for Peach, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her outside.

"Why are we out here? It's raining and she's crying." Peach seemed to be unhappy of her meal being interrupted.

"Because Mulan is our friend and we should respect and help her." Cherry replied, trying to comfort their new-found friend.

"I wish I had your willpower when it came to food." Peach moaned, holding her still hungry stomach.

Mulan cried, sitting on the stone dragon outside her home where her ancestors resided and watched over her and the family. Cherry held her tight and lightly stroked her raven hair. "We'll think of a solution, Mulan, I don't know how or what, but we'll do something. Okay?" Cherry said in a quiet, mother-like voice.

Mulan sniffled, taking in the hug gratefully. She looked at her reflection and glanced at her home as her parents were going to bed. Tomorrow was the big day, Zhou would leave home and to the camp to defend his family honor and vanquish Shan Yu and the Huns. Mulan grew determined and knew what she had to do.

"Come with me, guys, I have an idea." Mulan told them in a strict tone.

Cherry and Peach eyed each other as lightning illuminated the air.

The girls walked inside to the family temple where various Chinese characters were. Mulan placed a candle against a hanging tiny dragon statue. Mulan stepped in her parents' room for a moment and came back out, taking her father's sword. She then cut her hair which made Cherry cringe and Peach looked intrigued. 

"You guys are going to help me with this, okay?" Mulan told them.

"I'm up for it, but what are we doing?" Peach asked, feeling slightly clueless.

"We're going to take my father's place as men to serve in the army to defend my family honor, you guys can come with me or keep feeding lies to my parents while I stay in the background like many other Chinese women. Are you in or out?"

Cherry and Peach looked at each other, then back at Mulan. "We're in."

"But don't cut my hair too short!" Cherry winced a little.

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