Leaving and surgery

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I woke up with a huge burning sensation in my throat, I jumped out of bed too grab a bottle of water from the fridge. I gulped down the water but it didn't help. Tears filled my eyes in fear that my haemorrhage has gotten worse.

I walked over too Nathan and tapped him on the shoulder, his eyes fluttered open as he saw me looking down at him with tears in his eyes.

"Cami." He croaked, but this time he could barely talk, both of us had panic in our eyes, we rushed around our room and chucked some clothes on before running towards nanos room.

We knocked impatiently until a sleepy Nano answered the door.

"Guys what's wrong" he asked wiping his sleep from his eyes.

"Camilas voice and throat is painful and mine is almost gone." Nath a croaked, I could see worry in Nanos face even if it was dark.

"Right get inside I'm going too give Doctor Nasseri a call." He said, we nodded and walked into Nanos room and sat in the sofa.

Nano handed Nathan the phone as it rang.

Dr: Hello
N: Hello
Dr: oh my god Nathan that sounds worse than two weeks ago
N: I know it's not getting any better, I'm also here with Camila
Dr: okay put Camila on

Nathan handed me the phone, I took a deep breath,
C: Hello,  my voice had completely shrivelled.
Dr: right Camila your voice has literally lost all support, and Nathan's has gotten worse after weeks of voice rest so I need you too cut your trip short and fly back here for both of you too have surgery.

My heart sank, I turned too Nathan too see dread and fear in his eyes.

C: okay, I'll see you when I get back.
Dr: okay have a safe flight guys.

He hung up the phone, I passed Nano his phone back and held my head in my hands.

"So I'm going too book the flight, and I'm going too go speak too Kev." Nano said as he left his room.

There was silence, I grabbed Nathan's hand a gave it a gentle squeeze, he turned too me and smiled, but I could see tears forming.

"We're going too be okay." I whispered, he looked at me and nodded.

" I love you." He said, my heart fluttered, "I love you too." I smiled and pecked his lips.

Nano and Kev soon walked back into the room, "okay we got a flight in an hour so go pack up your stuff." Nano said.

We nodded, and quickly left the room, I grabbed everything that we brought, even though some of Nathan's shit ended up in my bag. I double checked our room and bathroom too see if we left anything.

Once I knew we had everything, I grabbed my bag and left the room, we made our way down too reception where Nano and Kev were waiting for us.

"Goodluck Guys, ill get the boys and girls a flight home tomorrow so they can see you." Kevin said, we nodded and gave him a hug.

" bye." I waved leaving the hotel and getting in the car with Nathan and Nano. My whole body was trembling, I couldn't believe that both me and Nath need surgery for exactly the same thing, except that I got too haemorrhages.

"Let's go then." Nano said as we got out of the taxi and straight into the airport. We checked in our bags and went through security, obviously Nano got checked which made both me and Nathan smile.

"Them fucking metal detectors." Nano huffed which made me and Nathan laugh.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Nano asked, I shook my head whilst Nathan stayed silent. I know Nano was trying his best too make us smile and too forget about our surgery but this is our career on the line.

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