Going home and back to the U.K

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Nathan's p.o.v
I was going home today, back too Gloucester. I've never been so excited too go home with my mum. But I feel bad that I haven't seen Camila at all since her surgery, and the fact she's staying here in the U.S and I'm heading back too the U.K.

My mum brought me over some clothes as the both of us were catching the same flights in 2 hours.

I got changed into my dark jeans, my light blue top and my silver Adidas high tops. I picked up my board and my essentials I had here whilst staying.

"Are you ready?" My mum asked, I chucked my bag over my shoulder and nodded.

We left the room, we walked down the long hall passing Camilas room on the process, It took me all of my strength not too just walk in and tell her everything is going too be okay. I carried on walking till we got too the reception where I discharged myself.

Me and my mum got too the exit of the doctors, where a load of paps were outside waiting for me.

I rolled my eyes, I grabbed my mothers hand too reassure her, I could tell she was nervous and I hate that my mum has too be brought up in this.

We walked outside ignoring the paps, I didn't let go of my mums hand even though people were pushing, and grabbing us, we finally got too the car. We jumped and quickly shut the door.

"I'll never get use too that." My mum breathed, which made me chuckle.

"Are you excited about going home?" She asked, I nodded, to be honest I couldn't wait too go home and start my recovery so I can get back on that stage.

"What's going too happen between you and Camila?" My mum turned too ask me.

I shrugged, I grabbed a pen and wrote down on my whiteboard, "I have no idea, I love her with all my heart but she doesn't want too see me, and now I'll be back home in Gloucester and she will be here in L.A, I don't know."

She nodded,she held my hand and smiled "honey, if you love her then whatever happens good or bad you'll both find your way back too eachother, and in all fairness I could see that this girl has changed you for the better." My mum smiled, I couldn't help but feel myself blush, my mum always knows how to make me feel better.

"Mr Sykes, Mrs Sykes we are at the airport." My driver said, I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the car with my mum following closely behind, we got inside the airport and showed them our tickets and gave them our bags.

We walked up too the waiting area where the boys, Kelsey, Nareesha and Jess were waiting.

"Hey baby Nath." Max smiled coming over and giving me a hug.

I smiled, I looked at my sister and gave her a big hug, I love my sister so much and obviously me being older I am very overprotective, especially when there are boys involved.

"You excited too go home Nath?" Jess asked, i beamed.

"What about you Kelsey, your finally going home??" Tom asked, I could see sadness in Kesleys eyes as she was leaving L.A and Camila behind but it isn't like its forever though, is it?

"Flight too London, is now boarding." A women said over the speaker.

"Let's go home." Jay said hanging his arm over my shoulder.

We got in the plane, I was lucky enough too be sitting next too my mum and sister, but unfortunately Tom was sat behind me and I just knew I was going too be wound up for the whole journey.

6 hours later

We were half way into the journey and lucky enough Tom hasn't said anything disturbing yet.

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