Chapter 10: The Return

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It had been 7 months now since the gang  + team rocket ( James, Jessie mewouth,) had seen ash. Luckily they had managed to once again get close to the island. They only needed a boat to sail to the dock. Mew had not slept in weeks for she blamed herself for what happened to ash and looked for a way to set him free. The gang had recently gotten advice telling them that mew two wasn't what he seems and that he would not harm ash. They had also been advised to let the possibility that Mewtwo like ash as well.

" Ready, or not,  mew two, here we come!"

Meanwhile somewhere on the island

 It was now 7 months along with many nights spent together, that ash basically knew the land inside out blindfolded.  He had also taught the other poke mon cool tricks along with fun stuff and poke games.  It was getting close to spring or that's he thought since mew two controlled the weather most of the time it was very warm, so it was hard to tell which season they were in. Ash soon heard a boat horn and shouting from outside when Mewtwo appeared.

" I 'LL  Take Care of  this, be right.... back!" Mew two said shaking his head Ash followed him to see his friends 

 " Give us Ash, Mew two !"

 his friends + team rocket ( James, Jessie, and mewouth) said.

" NEVER!" 

Mew two yelled which caused ash to jump back and hide.

Ash's eyes widen when he saw the look of murder on Mewtwo's face quickly he yelled. 

" EVERYONE STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ash said. Everyone turned to see him. " Can't we wait until after tomorrow to settle this and I'll explain everything? PLEASE AND  THANK YOU, NOW MEW TWO CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE THEM A ROOM!" Ash yelled

" wait why after tomorrow!?" James yelled.

" BECAUSE TOMORROW IS THE DAY I WAS BORN. I WILL EXPLAIN ALL AFTER THAT, SO PLEASE SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP!" Ash yelled for the last time which seemed to silence the chaos. 

Time skip

 Everyone was going to sleep, mew two was pissed, but he wasn't mad at ash he was mad at his stupid friends.  { If they try to  make  ash hate me, they will suffer!) Mew two thought.  

"Mew, Mew, Mew, Mew, Mew, Mew Mew, Mew, Mew, Mew, " Mew said 

" I hope you know what you are doing ash," Mew said

" Mew too little buddy, Me too." ash said before falling asleep.

When I Met you: MEWTWO X ASHWhere stories live. Discover now