What If...

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( during civil war) *** not exactly what happened****(that would take to much time looking up the exact words

TONY POV: Mr. stark, as an iron man was in a small apartment in queens. Why ? Well, because he needed help, and desperate times called for desperate measures, and well, if that meant recruiting a kid, so be it. So anyways, he actually did not find the video of the spiderling, (or boy, or whatever his name was ) all by himself. His fellow avengers found it, they saw many different videos of people being super heros, Everyone else probably forgot about him, thinking that he was a fake, but he knew that he was real, and that he cou,d be a real asset to the team.so here he was going to se Spider-Man, or peter Parker,he relished that to seem less suspicoius, he would probably call him his real name,

(Tiny time skip) 

"So kid, how would you like to got to Germany?" He asked

"What would we even do,who would we be fighting" Peter replied, Tonry was supprised, ussuly people would blindly follow him in amazement no matter what, but this kid was different, he didn't just agree. Tony was starting to have second thoughts with this kid.

" Well, we will be fighting others for the good of the people, we will be fighting to keep others safe, because some people are getting to much power." He replied choosing his words very carefully. 

" How do you know that you are right, I mean, you have to take a closer look at each side first right?" Peter Parker said back. Tony was starting to get a little, ok a lot annoyed with this kid, I mean what did he know, who explained every thing to him, but his offer still stood for the young Peter,

" Sorry, but I can't except your offer, I mean what If you are not fighting for the right side?"

"I am not, but I am sorry you feel this way" tony was furious at the kid, I mean he knew nothing. but he couldn't make a big scene in front of others, it would ruin his reputation. He calmly left the room, keeping all of his anger in his head for the time being. Well, it is his loss, he could have been fighting with spade hero's. He thought, well not it was time for plan B.

Little did he know, he was not the first superhero to approach peter that day

***a little bit earlier*****

STEVES POV:" kid, I know you are young, and this is new to you but, let me give you an offer," Steve to,d the young peter Parker, this kid had skill, he knew that the day he first saw the video of him, he could help them, a lot. And, Steve and Bucky both had gone into the army young to, and they were just fine, well if you think about it not really, but that was not the point.

" Before you join, to not, I want to give you all of the facts, of both sides so you know what you would be going into" Steve explained everything to him and he agreed, he knew this was the right way to do this, and he was glad that Pete had joined them, after all he was amazing for his age.

***back to after tony left***

PETER POV: honestly, all I can say is what a day. I learned about this whole super situation, and I think I made the right decision, I was glad I knew all of the facts, especially the ones mr. Stark did not care to mention, I mean I was able to decide for myself what was right and what was wrong. I know both sides had there own arguments for the situation, but this side seemed a lot more morraly right, and a better team that all trusted each other. If I joined the other side I would not have known what i was getting into. I mean just imagine what it would be like if I had decided to join Ironman's side instead.

Thanks for reading my first story, please request what you want next (even if it is cliche) I have never read a story like this, I also hope that is is not to cringe, thanks for reading this, ( if anyone actually does) thanks again

- unnamedPersonWhoDoesNotWantThereNameOnTheInternet

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