hello again ch2

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I walked into class while (y/n) waited to be called in an introduced. and now im starting to regret coming to school today.

'since I'm the perfect pretty girl saiki surely cant reject me since I have gotten all the boys off my back!!!'

hearing teruhashis voice is always a pain, but now since (y/n) is here she might leave me alone

"alright class settle down, we have a new student joining us today!"

'another one?'

'boy I hope they are a girl! a hot one too!'

'HAH! these people might hope for a pretty girl but no one is prettier than me!'

i growled unintentionally at some of those comments but soon stop once i realise what i was doing.

"please come in and introduce yourself!"

as soon as she says that a (y/n) walks in and in everyones head i hear gasps and mentally sigh at most if not all of the comments because i know (y/n) can hear them too.

'shes so pretty!! i so wanna be her friend!'

'wow! she has some nice curves!'

'i hope she is single'


'yeesh who was that?' (y/n) telepathicly says to me.

'that's teruhashi, i strongly suggest you avoid her at all costs' i mentally reply

'will do'

"hello everyone! my name is (l/n) (y/n) i hope we can all be great friends!"

'shes kind too! just like teruhashi!'

'teruhashi and (y/n) would be unstoppable if they were besties!'

'Oh wow! she is even prettier than teruhashi!'

'oh brother' (y/n) thinks

Different together - Kusuo Saiki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now