That Night: Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16

Sebastian charged towards Stephen and jumped on Stephen. My eyes widened and couldn't believe my eyes. Abruptly, someone grabbed me from behind. Xavier hands laid firmly on my hips, glancing to my right the body builders, dead.

Sebastian growled loudly and bit into Stephens neck--the guy who held me kicked Sebastian off. Xavier walked around me and bolted towards the guy. He placed his forearm in the crook of the guys neck. My eyes focusing on Xavier and Sebastian shocked.

Xavier stood with his hands by his side, looking at the guys face in the moonlit woods. His hands are blocking his face. "Desmond, Desmond, Desmond."Xavier tissked.

"Cmon Xavier," said Desmond "Aren't you going to teach me a lesson? For trying to hit your brother." The guy swung a punch towards Xavier face, Xavier arms seemed to react without me knowing, they swung up to cover his face and block Desmond punch. With Xavier's arm he threw his fist away from his face, then kicked him in the gut while he is vulnerable.

"Xavier! Let's just go!"I shouted afraid, my eyes glared at Sebastian who continued eating Stephen.

"You want a fight?" Xavier asked him. Desmond looked at him with a smirk. Then Desmond foot drove into Xavier's knee cap, and only a second later. Xavier fell backwards. The rain drops are falling on my face then quickly running off. The thunder struck loud and rain rapidly fell.

Xavier glanced in my fearful eyes, and Desmond got to his feet. Before he could get to Xavier, Xavier quickly got to his feet, and now he'd seemed ready, his fists covering his face as He face Desmond. "Lets do this."Xavier shouted over the pelting rain. All is quiet for a moment, all we hear is the rain hitting the ground, and the cars passing the alley, and Sebastian growling.

Desmond made the first move. He takes a quick step forward and stretches his leg horizontally towards Xavier. Xavier jump back, away from the kick. As he recovers, Xavier run to him and grab him by the neck, then pin him against the tree then his fist collided with his face only once.

"Don't you ever lay hands on a women again!" I heard Sebastian shout his body suddenly normal again. His toned abs sitting in the puddle of rain, Stephens blood surrounded him, Stephen seemed as I'd he'd been bathing on blood.

Desmond wet and bloody face didn't look at Xavier. "Thats it then."he said, coughing, and spitting blood onto the grass

"Your going to let a slut ruin our friendship are you? Someone you met not even a year ago!" Stephen coughed up blood, blood trickling from all areas. Now his eyes met Sebastian. "You have known me for over 10 years Sebastian! A decade."Stephen stuttered continuing. Shouldn't he be dead?

"You hit my girlfriend! What kind of jerk hits a girl."Confused I turned my head towards Xavier and I caught a glimpse of Desmonds hand slowly descending towards his back pocket..

"Idiot."shouted Desmond, quickly yanking the knife from his pocket. Xavier quickly grabbed the knife, and in the heat of the moment,jabbed it into Desmond leg.

"Xavier." I shouted. Desmond fell to the ground, the knife stuck in his thigh."Sebastian,"My breath sounding croaked.

They looked at me and said at the same time "Lets go, fast."Sebastian grabbed his torn jeans and put them over his boxers. Sebastian held my hand. Feeling uncomfortable, afraid I snatched my hand away.

"Come on,"Sebastian shouted over the rain. The tears ran down my face, racing one another--but due to the rain it seemed like I'd been okay."Please."

"I'm not going anywhere with with you monsters." I stuttered walking backwards; Sebastian and Xavier walked towards me.

"Look, we can explain tomorrow Trinity please just let--"Xavier added. My hand stopped him from speaking and I bolted the opposite direction.

That Night Changed Everything (Slowly Editing + COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now