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Artemis was stalking through the trees, her bow out and ready, when she tripped. Tripped. Know well that the huntress goddess does not merely trip for no reason. She caught herself before she could topple forwards, stumbling back while something bolted out of the leaves, skidding around a few feet away and snarling. A dark greyish brown wolf stood there, but it couldn't be a normal wolf. It was twice the size of a normal wolf. Artemis took note of how well the coat colour camouflaged against the forest floor despite the wolf's size before her mind finally snapped into place. Werewolf.

"Back, beast!" Artemis barked, stepping forward and pulling back her arrow. The wolf bared its teeth but scurried back a few feet, spittle flying from its lips. "You have one chance to shift and explain yourself. Now, wolf!"

The wolf bristled but began to shift, body contorting and twisting inwards with the sickening sound of cracking bones. A teen boy stood before her, strong but not overly so, with pitch black hair and gleaming yellow eyes. His teeth were still bared in defiance, the canines making him look sort of like a vampire. "Why should I explain myself to you when it was you who tripped over me in the first place!"

"You're within the perimeter of my hunt," Artemis replied. "My territory. It was you who intruded."

"Fine," the boy growled. "I'm moving south. I wasn't aware I had entered your 'hunts' territory. I don't mean to cause trouble. If you'll let me go, I'll be on my way and you'll never see me again."

"Why do you go south?" Artemis asked. "Werewolves reside in the north."

"Which is why I go south!" He teemed. "My own kind has betrayed me. I refuse to fight for those who don't respect me."

"What have the werewolves done to you?" The goddess asked, curious.

"None of your business! Who are you, anyways?" The boy quipped.

Artemis raised an eyebrow. "Did the werewolves not inform you of me?"

"They were too focused on beating me to tell me anything useful," he grumbled. "I'm guessing you're someone powerful?"

Artemis shouldered her bow, recognising that the werewolf meant no harm toward her. "Artemis, goddess of the hunt."

His eyes lit in recognition. "You're the goddess that's trying to exterminate Lycaon's pack! I do know of you!"

Artemis's eyes narrowed. "Does this change things?"

"For the better, yes," the boy grinned. "Lycaon is the one who I hold the most against. I hold you and your huntresses in high respect."

"Would you care to tell what Lycaon has done?" Artemis asked. "From what I can tell, you would be useful to his cause."

The boy's face darkened. "Lycaon is my father. He abused me because he thought I was too weak to possibly be his son. Eventually, he killed off my mother in his rage and I swore to take revenge on him if it is the last thing I do!"

"Why did he think you were weak? You don't seem to be weak."

"Lycaon would 'train' me by attacking me. He never truly taught me anything," the boy snarled. "Because I couldn't defend myself, he threw me out."

Artemis watched him with an indistinguishable expression, making the boy a bit wary. "Tell me your name."

"My name is Percy. Perseus, to be specific, but Lycaon ruined that name for me," Percy gnarred. "Why? Is there something you want with me?"

"I think we can help each other," Artemis responded. "I'll make a deal with you. Be a scout for me and my hunt and I'll teach you proper defence."

Percy perked up. "Scout? What do you mean?"

"You would go ahead of us and scout out our path, deciding the best ways to go if there is something that would cause problems," Artemis answered. "If you do agree, after a bit of training I'd send you on hunts to kill off monsters that are not powerful enough to require a large group like my hunt in order to kill."

Percy eyed the goddess for a moment, searching for any lies. When he saw no signs to deception, he replied: "Deal."

Artemis smiled. "Perfect. For now, stick around the area. Training begins tomorrow. I'll inform you when we're leaving." Artemis's eyes glinted. "I sure hope you can take harsh sessions."

Percy raised his chin. "I can take whatever you throw at me." Artemis nodded to him and Percy took that as being dismissed. He shifted and ran off into the woods, sensing where the hunters were camped and making sure not to run too close or too far.

Perhaps this would be good for him.

I've had this idea for a while. This'll also be continued later. Werewolf!Percy is wonderful (in my opinion).

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