Story #8

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Dear Ōkami,

Jahr just got back today! It's been what? 2-4 years since we've seen each other in person. We spent the entire day together! At first, we didn't know what we should do but we ended up making a whole bunch of sweets. He had a craving for my Chaco cookies, so we made those first then we decided since we have everything we need to make other sweet we should. In total we made 1 dozen chocolate cupcakes, 3 dozen strawberry loves, and finally, 5 dozen cookies( I can't remember what kinds I just remember the amount) tell the truth this wasn't a problem as I could simply sell them at school tomorrow. I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow so I can introduce Jahr to all the friends I made while he was gone!


Please tell me what ya think about this one, thanks💝

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