Chapter 1

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      This was what the 9th one this week? All these murders one after another and we still can't even get a grasp on who is doing this. You gave a heavy sigh lighting the stick of tobacco hanging from your lips, inhaling and puffing the smoke through your nose as you exhaled. Your tired form leaned against the side of the building, your (e/c) gaze watched the cars drive past in the busy streets, though your thoughts wandered back to the crime scenes. The most recent one had been a family, you could just imagine how it had been; your eyes drifted shut as you played out the scenario in your head. The scene began in the quiet house on North street, roughly 9:00 PM, the full moon blotched by the whisps of clouds. 

     Mom and dad had just put the kids to bed, the youngest being the most difficult, wanting a story and multiple hugs and kisses from mom. With a final kiss to the forehead, the mom made her way back downstairs to join her husband, it was their only time together. One was a doctor, the other a lawyer. It was probably some cuddling on the couch, a few kisses here and there. There were signs of no forced entry, the doors locked, windows latched, which meant the killer had already been inside the house hiding somewhere until the family had settled down. Unaware the intruder crept up behind the two killing the dad first, evidence showed a knife or some sort of sharp object, his body had been found on the couch.  Then the mom before she could even scream, it looked like she'd tried to crawl to the bedrooms before she was finished off. Unsatisfied, the killer made his way upstairs to where the kids slept, the oldest one was killed first. They'd found him in his bed still covered by his blanket. But there had been no sign of the youngest, his body hadn't been found meaning the killer most likely took him.

The sudden sound of your phone going off snapped you out of your playback. Without even looking at the ID you hit the answer button and brought it to your ear speaking in your tired, professional voice,

"Detective (l/n)." You spoke gruffly.

"Well you sound shitty," the blunt, male voice spoke into your ear.

"Cheif Smoker, sorry" you sighed running a hand over your tired eyes, "just trying to wrap my head around these murders.."

"Any luck with that?"

"No, just dead ends and lost sleep."

"Well.. try and get some sleep, meet me at the cafe tomorrow morning and we can go over the files."

"Ooo are you asking me on a date Chief," you teased, imagining the white-haired males blushing cheeks and his teeth bared in a growl while he snapped a cigar in half. The mental image made you grin. 

"Just shut up and meet me there." He growled.

"Yes sir," you mocked a salute, placing the phone back into your pocket as he hung up you flicked the cigarette away starting your walk back to your apartment you looked up at the sound of crackling thunder and frowned. "I hope Coby is okay, poor boy hates thunderstorms " You mumble to yourself. Walking up the steps you stood before the apartment door you frowned pausing your keys at the door lock, normally you could hear Coby dancing around the door. An off feeling settled in your stomach, but you decided to open the door anyway. Just as the door was open a blur of light blonde was at you, the dog barking and growling at you seemingly doing anything to block you from getting into the apartment. "Coby what the hell?" You gasped bewildered by the sudden behavior. You tried to force your way in but the frantic dog kept shoving and barking at you.

"Shut that God damn mutt up!" A voice boomed from the floor below yours.

"Sorry, Mr. Burgess!" You shouted down gently, but firmly gripping Coby's muzzle shut and forcing your way in "what has gotten into you, you trying to warn me about something?"

"Yeah, me." You whipped around just as the door slammed shut behind you. Standing there was a tall, tan raven-haired man, you couldn't see most of his face since over half of it was covered by a black mask that resembled a snarling leopard.

"Who are you?" You reached back for your gun holster at your side only to realize it wasn't there.

"Looking for this?" The man held up a gloved hand gripping your holster gun and all 

"What do you want?" You held tightly Coby'sy's collar, the husky snarling and baring his teeth, saliva flying and dripped from his snappng jaws. The dog pulled against your grip trying to get at him.  

"Just to chat, you see (F/n) as amusing as it is to watch you try and piece together these murders, I can't help to feel pity for you."

"And why is that?" You didn't question fact he knew your name, you wouldn't put it past him to have found out a lot about you. His gold gaze met yours behind his mask, the muscles wrinkling under his eye meant he was smiling.

"Because you humans are so defenseless and pathetic." He chuckled

"I'll show you defenseless" moving fast you swung a punch aimed for his neck, he caught it with ease. "What?" You pulled your fist back, but his grip was like an iron clamp and wouldnt give no matter how hard you pulled. 

"See, defenseless." He bent your wrist, to the point that it was burning in pain and you felt it would snap off. You bit your lip harshly so not to cry in pain, "come now dear, don't hide your screams," just as he touched you Coby lashed out biting deep into his arm. "Fucking mutt!" He snarled kicking your dog away, the husky jumped back to his feet running to stand in front of you, tail up and fur on end. Steam rose from the man's wounded arm he cradled it with his gloved hand, blood dripping from the wound onto your floor. For a moment you dreaded the thought of having to clean it out of your floor. "I see, you have one of those protecting you, but that won't be enough." He slowly backed toward the window, Coby snarled snapping his teeth. "Stop investigating the murders." the intruder warned in a low growly voice, dodging Coby's attempt at another bite and leaped through the open window, leaving you in silence.

The room was quiet minus your heavy breathing and Coby's soft growls, the whole situation processing in your head as you leaned forward, resting your head in his soft fur.

"Thank you, Coby."

"Thank you."

And then your world went dark. 

(AN: Some serious editing on this story, it's one I started a while back and some details were changed. No Beta reader rn, I don't know if I'll get one maybe when I start seriously cranking these out and uploading more often. Welp, till next time.))

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