Chapter 2

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You awoke with the start at the sound of your phone blaring, Coby laid curled around you on the floor you guessed you'd fallen asleep instead of heading to your bedroom last night. Looking down at the husky asleep on the floor you brushed your fingers through the soft fur, your mind thinking back to the encounter you had last night with the intruder.

"Fucking mutt!" He hissed kicking your dog away, the husky jumped back to his feet running to stand in front of you, tail up and fur on end. Steam was rising from the man's wounded arm, "I see, you have one of them protecting you, but that won't be enough."

"What did he mean, one of those?" Your gaze went to your phone, picking it up to see a picture Smoker's face popping up on the screen with you pulling the one corner of his mouth up into a smile while your other hand held the phone to take the picture. You slid the green button and held it up to your ear, "Hello?"

"___? Where the hell are you? I've been waiting here for half an hour." His gruff voice sounded over the phone, you groaned softly having completely forgotten about meeting him this morning.

"I'm sorry, Smoker, I just-"

"Are you okay?" He interrupted

"I'm alright, why?"

"You never call me Smoker, are you at home?"

"Yeah, Smoker look I'm fine."

"I'm coming now." The line went dead and you sighed putting your phone into your back pocket, you shifted standing up Coby startling awake as you did. He jumped to his paws and circled around you with his curled tail wagging spastically.

"Hey big guy." You smiled petting his head, "you hungry?" He gave a happy bark in response dancing around your feet when you picked up his silver bowl dish digging it into the bag of dog food. His ears perked at the sound of the crinkling bag. He yipped when you took it from the bag, his claws tapping against the wooden floor as he jumped in place then immediately attacking the food when you set it down. You sit down next to him, stroking his fur gently while he ate, you leaned forward resting your forehead into his side before once again drifting off to sleep.

"___?" A hand gripping and shaking your shoulder woke you. You leaned back stretching your arms up, blurry vision focusing on the silver-haired male standing above you.

"Hey, Smo-yan," you yawned, "how'd you get in?"

"I know where you keep your extra key." He said with a frown, silver eyes searching over your tired face. "When was the last time you got a decent amount of sleep, you look like shit."

"What's today?"


"Maybe.... Thursday?" You shrugged "There've been too many murders so I've just been going through all the files," raising a hand to gesture to the mountain of vanilla folders cluttering your kitchen. "I've still got the pile from last month.... and August...andJuly" You muttered.

"I'm also gonna guess you had an intruder in your house last night." You frowned giving a nod, "There's a bit of blood on the floor by the door and your living room window is open with more blood on the sill."

"I should probably clean that up." You went to get up when he rested his hands on your shoulders.

"You should probably get some sleep, I can talk to you about the cases after you have a nap."

"I'm not tired." You whined,

"I found you asleep leaning on your dog while he ate." He retorted, raising a silver brow at you.

"Okay I'm a little tired, but people are dying and that's more important than sleep." You shrugged off his hand and stood up, he gave a sigh as he stood suddenly sweeping you off your feet into his arms. Your face turned red, your hands clasping into his fur-trimmed coat.

"Smo-yan!" You gasped, "put me down!"  you struggled in his arms and Smoker tightened his grip on you starting toward your bedroom. The tall, silver-haired man kicked the door open with his boot.

"You seriously have folders in here too?" He asked, annoyed at the sight of papers scattered all over your bed, your floor, and even your dresser. Your entire apartment was just cluttered with folders and papers. He'd put good money on you having documents in your bathtub. 

"Well since I wasn't sleeping this was just more room to place the files." He stared at you, "what?"

"Nothing" he muttered shifting your weight to one arm using his now free hand to swipe the papers off your bed and dumped you onto the comforter.

"Hey! I organized all those!" You went to sit up until he placed his hand on your forehead and pushed you back down.

"If you try to get up again I have handcuffs and I will cuff you to this bed."

"Kinky, didn't know you were into that sorta thing" You gave him a grin as his face flushed red.

"Just get to sleep." He growled standing up and leaving the room, returning a few minutes later to see you passed out on the bed, sheets were thrown haphazardly, two of your pillows on the floor and the single one you had left clutched tightly to your form. "Pain in the ass." he sighed smiling slightly. He turned when Coby approached him reaching his nose forward and sniffed at his hand. Smoker shut the door gently looking down at the husky. "You can change now, she's asleep, just keep it down." He glanced back at the door, then back to see the dog replaced with a young male. Coby ran a hand through his pink hair and gave his limbs a quick stretch.

"Been too long since I've changed into a human." He smiled, black eyes shining happily. "How've you been Smoker?"

"Why don't we skip the dialogue and just get straight to it, there was a vamp here last night wasn't there?" Smoker frowned, Coby's smiled faded and he gave a nod.

"I guess he didn't know what I was up until I bit him protecting _____ from him, you can't mistake the red eyes though, the vamps are back in the city." He sighed walking over and sitting on the couch. "When I snuck out the other night I followed one to a nest, maybe 4, Kid's pack I think. I went and met up with Luffy and asked him if he'd seen any and he said he saw some red-eyed shadows moving in the surrounding forest on a hunt." Smoker sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "Smoker, I know you're retired, but you may have to come back get Tashigi and the rest.... I feel something big is coming." He pulled back his sleeve, "My hairs have been on end." He shivered.

"I guess I don't have a choice,"

"And what about ____?"

"Avoid getting her involved for as long as possible until it all blows over." Coby laughed

"Good luck with that, ____is too curious for her own good I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to track this vamp down.."

"That's what I'm worried about, her curiosity, might just get her killed."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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