An Unwanted Company

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Arthit POV

Namtan told me since two days ago that, that guy, Kongpob was looking for me, or more accurately, student 0206, which just happen to be my student code. Apparently, I was scoring about him in the test and quizzes and it doesn't sit well with him.

Well that's just too bad, it's not my fault I'm naturally smart. Someone like him needs someone to bring him down a notch off that high horse he is riding on anyways. People like him are some of the reasons I avoid people, he basked in attention and enjoy people gawking at him. Well sorry to burst your egotistical bubble honey but I won't be the one to gawk.

I can feel his eyes on me as I enter the room. I put on my cold face and purposely entered right before the professor. He never took his eyes off me the entire length of the lecture. I was beginning to get uncomfortable, but I would not give him the satisfaction of looking over there.

As the lecture was dismissed I made my way to the door when I heard him. "Oi student code 0206"

I turned around slowly with a bored unimpressed look on my face, "I do have a name" I continued walking.

I he runs to catch up to me and falls into pace walking next to me. Oh great I can tell he is going to be one of those annoyingly persistent people. But I swear to all the deities I am not going to give him the time of day.

"What is it then?"

I keep walking

"Honestly you have no reason to not tell me your name" God help me, this guy!

"I'll start, my name is Kongpob Suthiluck, you can call me Kong" he winks

I rolled my eyes, why is he still following me? I'm going to make this short and effective.

"Look what's-your-face," he visually flinches

"I am not easily intimidated or impressed so whatever method you're trying to deploy on me in regard to our score standing will not work"

His eyes widened with realization, "Don't try to deny it."

He started to speak but I was already at my car, I held up a finger and wave it left to right to stop him. I am hungry, and I do not need this kind of drama in my life.

"Not interested" I unlocked my car and watched as he was taken back by my car's beauty. I always loved the effect my car has on people.

I used that opportunity to jump in. Finally, I'm in the safety of my car, I let out a sigh of relief as the peace and tranquility of my safe haven encompasses me. At least he is not as dense as I thought and got the idea to back off. My serenity was however, short lived, as I was drawn out of it went the passenger's door opened and he, the annoyance entered and strapped in.... I stand corrected...

                                                             Arthit's car

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Arthit's car

I was taken aback, I couldn't react, I have never had someone be so bold with me. I didn't know what to do. After I slowly recover from the initial shock and got slightly angry and very annoyed. . I don't usually allow myself to get angry, in fact I don't get angry, I am always in control of my emotions. Until two seconds with this guy.

"What the hell man? Get out of my car!" I said finding my voice

"You sound like someone I know" he said slightly amused

"What are you doing?" I asked more calmly

"You are going for lunch, aren't you?"


"So, I am coming with you" He scoffed.

"The hell you are"

"My treat" he smiled a genuine smile.

"First of all... if you think you can bribe me with can" I nod once.

I'm too hungry for this shit and why say no to free food? Even if I have to deal with an unwanted company.

"Today" I made sure to add as I pulled out of the parking lot with the annoyance smiling with satisfaction next to me. I am not sure why I agreed to let him buy me food. It could be that, for the first time I saw him with a genuine smile and it gave me a hint of satisfaction that he didn't have ulterior motives. Or it could be that I'm just hungry and it as clouded my judgement. So instead of using my brain to think I'm using my stomach. I will opt to go with the latter. Either way the annoyance is in my car and we are on our way to get food....that he's paying for.

Kongpob POV

Damn what a car, it stopped me in my tracks. I can see him driving a car like that. Expensive but not ostentatious. But what was he saying about impressed or intimidated. I shook my head to brush away those thought. I'm going to set this right.

I got into his car and he looked shocked. I'm satisfied with that reaction. I am getting a feeling no one has ever done that or anything of that nature to him before.

Naturally, he tried to kick me out, but I used food to bribe him along with my most convincing smile. How he said I can, I had to use all my will power to not laugh out loud. I am already walking on eggshells with him. I'm pleased to see that he has a funny side. I hope to see more of it in the future...wait...what? Did I just think that? What am I thinking?

A/N: For the sake of my sanity I am going to end this chapter here. :) . Please remember to vote and comment. I want to know what you guys are thinking. I will try to update on Wednesdays, for no specific reason.

 I will try to update on Wednesdays, for no specific reason

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Here is a pic of Krist. I wanted to shared it because of the candid, unfiltered, genuine happiness that it's showed. It was taken during 2019 Songkran celebrations.

 It was taken during 2019 Songkran celebrations

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Here is another just because 😁😉😍

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