Red Awakening

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I woke up gasping for air like as if I was drowning. It seemed like I had woken up from a nightmare. I sat up in my medical bed and immediately slid across and out. I felt naked. I was wearing a hospital robe but these never really felt like even a layer of clothing. I looked around the room and saw a duffel bag with boots on the side. Inside the duffel bag were jeans, cargo pants, a black shirt, a white shirt, panties, and a leather jacket. Not much of a selection. I observed the clothes to see if they were clean or not, they were clean. I put the panties on, put the cargos on, and put on the black shirt. I slid my feet into the boots. They were all my exact size. It felt like someone had prepared all of this for me. It seemed kinda suspicious if you ask me.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room again. There was red glow coming from outside and a red mist flowing from the windows and air vents. I tied my boots and headed out my room door, into the hallway. As I walked through the halls and looked into the rooms I heard screaming, I saw dead bodies, bullet shells everywhere. It was pretty terrifying, this was one of my worst nightmares. I yelled "HELLO" to see if anyone was there and I heard nothing but a door slam, thumps, stomping and trampling on the wood and a sound like as if someone was sledding down stairs. Somehow I still remember sledding down the stairs in my grandmothers house with my brothers and sisters.

I made my way to the the front door which was creaked open a bit and I saw flashing lights coming from the creak, I was curious as to what was going on outside. I heard a crowd yelling and screaming. As I opened the door I saw flairs were being shot into the air, there was ash falling from the shy, the sky was red, fighting and pushing everywhere, gunshots and explosions were heard in the distance but sounded blurred out. My stomach started growling and whaling like it was trying to communicate with me. I always felt like my stomach was trying to communicate with me. It would probably say something like "Ayo, get me something to eat, im DYING over here, imma tell yo brain to make you break your ankles if you don't get me some damn".

I made my way through the crowd of people, into the city to look for something to eat. A hobo tried to trip me and I ended up stepping on his foot and then tripping over mines causing me to fall like as if I had just tripped over air. When I got up I heard a deep voice whisper into my ear.. "Don't move". I felt his gun pressed against the back of by neck,It felt cold and he was shaking a bit. I could tell he didn't have too much confidence in himself doing this. I had my jacket equipped in my hand and I had to think fast, to devise a plan to get out of this situation quick. I was still unsure what this place was, where I am and how I got here. I didn't even get a chance to get food and I already have a gun to my neck. I had to either move and risk getting killed or use the disarm from behind technique my grandfather taught me when I was younger in the summer of 2013. I was surprisingly talented at combat, don't ask why because I don't even know myself..

I quickly ducked and swiftly swang my feet to kick his arm causing the gun to fly out of his hand. The gun fell onto the floor and skid onto the curb, into the sewer. He looked back at his gun.

"Yeah, not so tough now, are you?" I said smirking.

"I told you not to move!"

He aggressively throws a hit. I dodged it and I swiftly wrap his hands with my jacket and sweep kicked him to the ground. As he fell I looked down then looked up at his "crew" of about 18 men. They looked pretty mad, specifically at me. I ran and they ran after me. This pursuit lasted for about 15-20 mins. Well I wasn't really checking time, 15-20 mins Is just my estimate, I was too busy running for my life.

"I think I finally lost them" I thought to myself as I came to a dead end in an alleyway to catch my breath. It appeared that I had lost them but I was wrong. A minute or 2 after I had stopped to catch my breath I seen shadows enlarge on the wall to the right of me. I gasped. My back was against the wall, all closed doors, no where to run or hide. I felt like a fish in an aquarium. I have no other option but to accept what was coming to me.

I got off the wall and began to stand up straight to position myself to fight.

"Hey fellas, Look who it is.. It's the redhead girl from earlier who beat up our buddie Nutsniff." Said a man who was smirking devilishly. One of those confident smirks that bad guys do when they know they are up to no good and they have a 100% chance of winning.

I don't know who Nutsniff was or why someone would EVER in their right mind name theirself "Nutsniff" but by the looks of the looks of things and what I did earlier, it was pretty obvious that Nutsniff was the crook who put a gun to my neck earlier.

All of these guys looked like crooks, dirty crooks and thugs. They had bats, spiked knuckles and bandages. It disgusted me the way they clothed theirselves so poorly. I looked up at the blood red sky trying not to get ash in my eyes and questions and thoughts started flowing through my head. "Is this hell? If it is hell, where will I go once I die? I wonder how I can somehow defeat these punks." They walk slowly towards me and I just hold my stance and closing my eyes only to open it in violent rage. I felt a huge slam on the ground and an enormous figure in front of me and a shadow covering my body.

I opened my eyes and I was shocked, a little turned on if you asked me.. Okay mabye VERY turned on. A tall, buff, perfect figured man in jeans, no shirt and long beautiful hair. He looked back at me and winked. I almost fainted, his green eyes made my heart melt.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you. I'm Lucas, ask questions later" he said In his British accent.


He ran towards the mob of men to fight them off. I bit my lip and tried not to just beat the sh-t out of the mob of men I knew I couldn't beat and kidnap him to have him all to myself. They faught a brutal fight until a sound from all around the city started playing. It sounded familiar.

By the looks on everyone's face, it wasn't lunchtime, it meant something really bad. Everyone dropped what they were doing and ran, even the thugs. Lucas ran towards me and picked me up into his arms like as if I was his bride.

"What's going on?! What is that sound?!" I asked.

"It's a nuclear bomb warning horn, we don't have much time! We have to get to the evacuation stations asap"

I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my heart in terror yet comfort.

We arrived at the evacuation center. There we were in what seemed to be an ocean of people pushing, shoving,fighting and yelling. Lucas pushed through the ocean of people to get on the Jets.


In my head the song "Move b-tch, get out the way" was playing but I was too scared to laugh.

After about 15 mins of pushing and shoving, we finally arrived at the entrance of one of the planes. Lucas let me down and I climbed up the stairs but a high pitched dog whistle sound disturbed me before I entered.

A not very bright looking old man shouted


"No you idiot, IT'S A BOMB!" Said his aging wife as she hit him in the back of his head with her purse.




I quickly looked back and In the distance towards the fields I saw a nuke drop from a plane an blew up vanishing everything in it's path. A white light blinded me vanishing us all.

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