Americana Exotica

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[ a couple moments before the prologue ]

At this point, Jamie didn't bother to struggle in Judas's grip.

After all, why make the angels suspicious about the coming escape?

Jamie has been stuck in Heaven for all of his life, and all he knew about the earth below came from the taunts of the angels.

He often thought bitterly about how he was lucky enough to be tortured while others like him were "killed on sight".

His mother was a dead, fugitive angel.

Why keep him alive?

But what he knew now was he had to fight off the sedation as it slowly wore off. The angels would always use their powers to make him drowsy and confused.

It would take more than three angels to drag him away if they didn't.

Before he was born, in addition to the grace, angel power, he was born with, he also absorbed some of his mother's.

He consumed some of Anna Milton's grace, not knowing that would be the reason why they would be tricked and captured by Castiel.

The angels anxiously awaited Jamie's arrival, allowing Anna to take care of him under the strict supervision of Jamie's soon-to-be tormentor, Judas.

He felt the subtle shift in their grip as they prepared to push him in, waiting for Judas to slip the key inside the cell and open the iron gate, allowing the other angels to throw Jamie inside.

He let out a groan when his back touched the floor, rolling to kill some of the generated momentum. The lock clicked shut behind him, signaling the start of his new round of seclusion.

They usually gave him some time to sleep and heal for the next trial, but luckily, they didn't know about the newest development.

At the age of eight years old, they knew about his power to kill using his grace (many times called smiting); superhuman strength, speed, and senses; skill with a blade; and angel communication. What they didn't know he had was wings.

He had felt them about ten sessions ago, quickly figuring out he was able to hide them from angel eyes if he put enough effort into it.

Now, he stood up and stumbled to the back wall, feeling the need to watch for any surprise appearances.

He slipped down the wall so he was sitting, slowly unfurling his now-visible wings. Jamie was grateful that they weren't affected by the attacks - he would heal soon, but he had no experience with healing wings.

He ran over the plan in his head a couple of times as he waited for his system to restore him back to full health and power. This would call for mostly precision and good luck, something which hasn't come in big quantities to Jamie lately.

Almost immediately after the last deep cut on his forearm had healed, he heard footsteps coming nearer. His head snapped up, caramel hues searching for the all-too-familiar head of dirty blonde hair.

Judas took his time in walking to the cell, knowing his angel backup would follow close behind.

"Now how's the mistake doing today?"

A predatory smile stretched across his lips as the enochian words slipped across his sly tongue.

"Just get on with it."

Jamie muttered the response in enochian, having picked up the language the angels most often used around him and each other. He knew it ticked them off to no end to hear that he had picked up on their language, so it gave him a special sense of pleasure to speak it.

Judas's smile immediately eroded as he began to open the lock, all thoughts of his angel backup chased out of his mind. Of course, he was cocky enough to believe he could take Jamie before he could make a move, seeing as though the boy had never put up a fight before and the "sedation" should still be in the process of healing up.

What he didn't see was that Jamie's wounds shouldn't have healed yet.

The boy shot up to his feet, using his speed to rush to the door as soon as it was open. His hand shot out and gripped the sleeve of Judas's suit, ripping the sharp silver angel blade from the thick fabric. He glanced up to the ice-blue hues which were now glazed with shock and a spark of fright? That brought the first smirk of his life to his lips.

"Who's in control now?"

He savored the fright he saw in the midst of the blue right before the light exploded from his eyes and mouth, falling to the ground. Jamie jumped away from the burnt wings, adjusting his grip on the blade which was now splashed with scarlet. The alarms were barely audible to him before he snapped his mind back to reality.

The first one was a brunette. She fell with a slash to the chest.

The second one was a red-head. He put up a fight, landing a slash to his abdomen before falling also.

Before long, he was stumbling down the nearly empty hallway. He wasn't sure if the blood which covered his hands was his or another's. He still had a death grip on the angel blade. Jamie's head was spinning, a new exhilarating feeling as it wasn't forced upon him.

More were coming. He could hear them.

He fell down on one knee, and only a scarlet handprint was left behind when he finally found the strength to use his wings.

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