Hear Me

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Hear Me 
Here looking 
At the stars 
Start to remember 
Those "feelings" again 
I thought 
They been buried 
Away from 
My heart 
Already faded memories 
Like a door 
Had open 
Through the barrier 
Sneaky making 
It's way 
Towards my heart 
Make me remember 
I wish 
You can hear
The cries 
From the heart 
My feelings 
There you are 
The black Raven Crow 
Looking at me 
The same look
You gave me 
When you were here 
The only memory 
Of you 
The bird lays on 
My side 
Stands there 
"Can you hear me?"
My eyes 
Spoke for me 
It nod 
Eyes wide 
Freak out 
So many thoughts 
Running through 
Feels like an 
Reality likes to play 
Tricks on me 
All the time 
Please live 
So my heart 
Can speak 
Hear Me

This poem is about my original character Angel Tiku thinking about Itachi while he is fighting for his life to live and starts to remember the memories of her feelings about him. 

There will be a story about this soon. 

For now, here's a sneak peak of it by the poem I just wrote about the story.

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