Huntress Soldier Hero
A village girl
Tough to hunt
Her food
By her father
Always up
To the task
Because of food
Dreaming about food
When hunting her prey
The many foods
She can cook
Out of it
Makes her go hungry
And thrive for the hunt
To get her food
That is motivation
All those tools
She took them
To the survey corps
Thinking and dreaming
Of food
Kept her sane
Under control
And not go crazy
This has helped
Into something more
To only a huntress
But a solider
Her skills have
Improve more
Both a huntress and solider
She will survive
That is thrown
Her way
She'll overcome it
No matter
The challenge
Or difficulty
Push through
Get her reward
Risk it all
To her goal
Delicious food
That she thinks of
A strong one
This lady
Sasha Blouse is
Huntress Solider Hero
Anime,Games,Books, Poems 2
ŞiirThis is a continuation of Anime,Books,Games Poems set due to the limit of publishing my first poem set. I didn't know the Max was up to 200 parts This will be a set of series of Poems I've written in my deviant art and some will be written here as...