Chap 5

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It's Monday again. We're still in the state of grieving over Anne's death. Anne is the youngest among us and the thought of her leaving and not longer there with us, breaks your heart. But, you're still glad everyone still show up and going to work even though you told them to take day off. Everyone is commited to their work.

"Corbyn. Would you come to my office now?" Julie said. Corbyn looks at me and give a little smile before leaving.
"What's happening?" Chloe approached me. "I don't know."


"Corbyn Matthew Besson."


"The reason why I ask you to come with me is, we want to help you to pay the hospital bills." Julie takes the cheque book and tear it. "You can write the amount of money that you need. I know you're coming from a needy family. We're here to make sure everyone here got treated fairly."

"I don't think I can take it. I still can pay it using my own money. But, I'll let you know if I really need some more money. I appreciate your kind gesture, Miss Julie. Thank you so much... " He said.

"Okay then. Just know that, you're not alone. You may go now."


"Hi." You're still waiting for the coffee machine. You turn around and see Corbyn, with his sleeves roll up. "Oh, Mr Besson."

"Can I ask you something? It's a bit personal but, I'm kinda curious..."

"Go ahead. What's it? Wait, is it about Chloe, huh?" He started to blush. He only standing there, awkwardly. "Yeah, how did you know? Are you like some kinda witch or what?"

"Well, I can see the way you look at her. I know, she's hot." You said, quietly but more likely, you're whispering to him. "Yeah. She's but, I don't think I'm her type."

"You're so confident during interview. Just because of a girl, you're starting to be insecure? I advise you to ask her out first. If she said no, so, that's that."

He nodded. Chloe comes in just when you're bout to leave the office's cafe. You take your sit and you can see Corbyn is trying to approach her."Corbyn!" She said.


"Why? Did I just makes you upset? Aww, what's going, boo?" You almost choked while drinking a hot latte. "I'm doing fine. No, it's not you-

"Wait. Belle, did you just ruin my bae mood?" You give her that disgusted look. "He's your bae? When? Not me, though..."

"Then, who?"

You rolled your eyes. "Hey, I'm not in a bad mood. I'm a bit nervous... Can I take you out on date? Tomorrow night?" You show the 'thumbs up' to him. He thanked you as he's mouth moves saying 'thanks' to you.

"You look so happy.... Did Mr Cutie just flirt with you??" Well, you can't run away from Julie. No matter you are, there she's. "Nope! Chloe got a date with your Mr Cutie."

Her eyes widen. "That fast? Oh my heart! Oh no!" You can't help but laugh, looking at her and act like she's hurting. "Yes, Julie. Your Mr Cutie has a hots on Chloe. But, you got a man. Stay where you are. I know you're a loyal woman."

"That's good. But, I'm worried. I try to act like I'm all that happy bla bla bla but I don't want, what happened to Anne, is going to happen at her. Its a nightmare, Belle." She said. "I know how do you feel. The killer could be there, anywhere. He's probably targeting every women out there. Let's just hope she's fine, okay? Corbyn is a nice guy. Chloe, she's right now in a good hand."

"I trust you on this. I hope you're right. People would said that it was a suicide but, she never show any sign that she's depressed. I know, this is a murder case.... Karley is working on it and I hope we get to know it earlier. I'm scared. You can be the main target and I've a feeling, you're his last target so he will not get caught. Be careful... "

It sounds like a warning. You have a bad vibe when you're around Corbyn. His smile can calm you down but there's a darkness behind it. It may look like you're assaulting your own employee by checking his background but it's for the best. If it's not now, then when?

"Me too. I will take care of myself, okay? We will figure this out soon. We'll be alright..." You smile at her. You try to reassure her that nothing to be worried eventhough you're really afraid. Anything could happen to anyone. Anytime and anywhere.

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