Chapter 4

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Allison's POV

I woke up because Lana was shaking me gently. "Good morning, sorry for waking you up but you have to get ready." She said. "Please a few more minutes." "No you have to get ready, I don't want you to be late." "But I hate the morning." She started laughing at me. "Why are you laughing?" I asked. "You're just like me." She said laughing. "Come on you have to go." She said and took the covers. "Nooo please, give them back" I said with a chuckle. "You're not getting it." She said. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Get ready okay, I will make breakfast." She said. "Okay." she stood up and went downstairs.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I looked at my wrists and saw the scars and cuts. No one knows about it and no one will ever know about it. I was in a time in my life that I didn't really know who I was and everyone let me down. When I was done with putting my clothes on I went back to my room and sat down before my makeup table. I did my make up, well not much only mascara but still.

I went downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. I was checking my social media and stuff and then I saw a message from Lynn.

A: Allison
L: Lynn

L: Heyy, how is life going?
A: Great Lana is making breakfast right now. And how is it there?
L: Nice and here is everything good.
A: Are you nervous for the match?
L: Idk, maybe a little. You?
A: Yes I am.
L: Why?
A: Because Lana is coming with me.
L: Really?
A: Yes, so I'm also really excited.
L: Well I hope you play good, we need you. Without you we can't win this championship😉❤️
A: Same for you💋
A: igtg breakfast is ready.
L: Okay, see you in 2 hours.
A: See you then💋

"Here your breakfast." Lana said when she gave me my pancakes. "Thank you." "You're welcome sweetie." She said and sat down next to me. "Are you ready for your match?" She asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I'm nervous." "Why?" "Because if we win we are champions." She smiled at me. "Well then you have extra support today." She said. I smiled at her.

An hour later
Lana's POV

"Allison are you ready?!" I yelled from downstairs. She was upstairs doing her hair. "Almost!" She yelled back. She ran downstairs and I gave her her bag and her hockey stick. "Thank you." "You're welcome." We walked to the car and she laid her bag and stick in the trunk. We sat in the car and I drove us to the hockey club. We talked about a lot while we were driving.

When we were at the hockey club she grabbed her bag and stick. I locked the car and we went to the clubhouse. Allison ran to a girl and hugged her. I walked to them. "Lana this is Lynn, Lynn this is Lana." Allison said. "Hi nice to meet you." Lynn said. "Nice to meet you too" I said. Allison talked a lot about Lynn and about how close they are. "Lana I have to go to my team and coach to talk about our tactic and stuff, but you can talk with Lynn her parents." she said pointing at Lynn her parents. "Okay. Do what you have to do." I said smiling at her. She went with Lynn to the dressing room so I went to Lynn her parents and I introduced myself. "Hi I'm Lana, Allison her mother." I said. I shook their hands while they said "Hi nice to meet you Lynn and Allison told us about you." "Nice to meet you too." We talked for I guess 30 minutes or so. Then I saw Allison with her team walking to the field. I walked with Lynn her parents to the field. "Is she good?" I asked them. "Yeah, she's one of the best players in her team." her mother said. I smiled at her. "Really?" "Yes, she's really good believe me."

Lynn her parents were right, she's really good. It was the last 2 minutes of the match and the score was 1-1. Allison had the ball and she ran to the goal of the other team. She made the best and final goal of the match. But then she fell on the ground and she didn't move. Everyone stopped playing and everyone was around her. I ran to her and I didn't care if I was allowed to. I sat next to her on my knees. Everyone gave us space except Lynn, but I didn't care about that because she was Allison's best friend. Allison had a big wound on her head and it was bleeding heavily. She didn't wake up so I really started to worry. I checked her heartbeat and it was still there so that was a good thing. "Someone call an ambulance!" I said.

A few minutes later the ambulance was there and they lay Allison on a stretcher. Lynn walked to me and gave me a piece of paper with her number. I looked at her. "Please call or text me if she's awake or if something's wrong. Text me how she's doing." She said with tears rolling down her cheeks. I hugged her. "I will." The men of the ambulance came to us. "We have to go." He said. "Okay I'm coming" I said to him. "Good luck" Lynn's parents said. "Thank you" I said. I sat in the ambulance next to Allison. She was still unconscious. I texted Bex

L: Hey Bex, can you please come to the hospital ASAP.
B: Why? What happened?
L: It's Allison, I don't know what happened but she has a big wound on her head and she's unconscious.
B: I'm coming.
L: Wait do you remember the surprise for Allison?
B: Yes, of course I do. Why?
L: Do it in the hospital because I don't think she's very happy when she wakes up.
B: Okay we're on our way.
L: Thank you.
B: No problem sis.

"L-Lana" I heard Allison say. "Thank god you're awake" I said. "What's going on? W-Where are we going?" "We are on our way to the hospital." She tried to sit up straight but the other woman in the ambulance pushed her carefully down. "You need to lay down." the woman said. Allison looked scared at me. I knew what was gonna happen but if I told her then she would've been more scared. So I just took her hand and held it tight.

Allison's POV
"I'm scared." I said to Lana. "I know sweetheart but it's gonna be okay." They brought me into a room. Lana walked behind them. "Hey sweetheart I'm Sofia and I'm gonna clean that wound." the nurse said. "O-okay. Can Lana stay?" "Yeah of course she can." I smiled a bit but I was still scared because I didn't know what would happen. "It has to be attached so I have to anesthetize the place where the wound is, but that's gonna hurt." The nurse said. I looked scared at Lana. She took my hand and sat down on a chair next to the bed. "It's gonna be okay. Just think about something you like." I nodded. I really tried to think about something I like but I couldn't I only thought about the pain that I felt. The nurse gave me the anesthesia and I cried loudly. That really hurt. "Shhhh" I heard Lana say while she was rubbing my arm. "It hurts" I sobbed. "I know but it will go away"
"I now have to attach it but because of the anesthesia you don't feel it but if you do tell me okay." the nurse said. I nodded. She laid a paper over my head so the only thing I saw was a blue paper. The only thing I felt was Lana's hand in mine. The nurse started attaching my wound but I didn't feel anything. "You're done." The nurse said. I sat up straight but I felt dizzy so I closed my eyes. "Keep laying down okay. You have to stay here because you was unconscious so we have to be sure that you're okay." "I don't wanna be here anymore." I said. "Are you still dizzy?" The nurse asked. "Yes." I said. "I'll be right back." The nurse said when she walked out of the room. I looked at Lana and I saw her texting someone. "Who are you talking to?" I asked. "I'm texting Lynn, I promised her to text her to say how you're doing." "Oh okay." The nurse came back with a wheelchair. "You're dizzy so I'm not gonna let you walk to your room so we're gonna bring you." "Okay" I said when I sat down in the wheelchair. She pushed me to my room and Lana walked behind us. God I hate hospitals. When we were in my room I laid down on the bed. "When can we leave?" I asked. "When we're sure that you're okay." I sighed. "You have to rest here and home because you have a slight concussion. But I will leave you two alone right now." She said when she walked out of the room.

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