Episode: Scrooge McDuck Jr.

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One day teenage Donald was outside and he needs a fresh air.

"I'm feel tired." said Donald.

"I'm going to a park for now then I'll go to fast food restaurant with Mickey and Minnie."

At the park he meets Scrooge McDuck and Scrooge McDuck Jr., sitting at the bench and said "Hi Donald."

"Hi two Scrooges!" said Donald.

"This is Scrooge McDuck Jr. who has autism which nothing to play with you." said Scrooge McDuck.

"Did you carry like me?" said Donald.

"Nope." said Scrooge McDuck.

"I WANT MY GOLDEN COIN!!!!" said Scrooge McDuck Jr. in a high-pitched voice.

"Yeah, he's in unluck." said Scrooge McDuck. "Go play with Daisy and Della, ok nephew?"

"Yes I can" said Scrooge McDuck Jr.

At a lake, Daisy and Della play things together in a soccer park. Donald and Scrooge McDuck Jr. went to a soccer park and meet him.

"Oh Scrooge McDuck Jr." said Daisy and Della. "They're so cute."

"I WANT MY GOLDEN COIN!!!!!" said Scrooge McDuck Jr.

"OK, so this isn't even make sense." said Daisy.

"I WANT MY GOLDEN COIN FOR ME!!!!!" said Scrooge McDuck Jr.

"You could only use headphones for you." said Daisy.

"So, this is protect to prevent hurt and fighting sounds?" said Scrooge McDuck Jr.

"Yes it is." said Daisy.

"Not fun." said Donald.

"Scrooge McDuck Jr. you go to the park with Uncle Scrooge." said Donald.

Scrooge McDuck Jr. was feeling nervous. He's afraid with friends and he wants to stay with Uncle Scrooge. So he did best, Scrooge McDuck Jr. tries to walk at the park.

"Oh Scrooge McDuck Jr. i'll get you. Your headphones will be broken!" Uncle Scrooge shouted.

"Wait for me Uncle Scrooge!" said Scrooge McDuck Jr.

As Scrooge McDuck Jr. was saved by Uncle Scrooge, the headphones was also saved.

"You did it Scrooge McDuck Jr!" said Uncle Scrooge.

"That's awesome!"said Scrooge McDuck Jr.

Donald, Daisy and Della hopes what was going on Scrooge McDuck Jr.

"Hey, how was doing here?" said Donald.

"It was sometimes nervous." said Uncle Scrooge.

"When I gonna catch your nephew, he didn't walk so I catched him at the park with his headphones because he's autism. I congrats to him and it's very happy to me and your nephew."

"So this is your story?" said Donald.

"Yes!" said Uncle Scrooge.

"Well I was thought about that." said Della.

"Me too let's go together with Della, you and Scrooge McDuck Jr. to meet Mickey and Minnie." said Daisy.

At the fast food restaurant they eat burger and fries and Scrooge McDuck Jr. tries it.

"Mmmmm yummy!" said Scrooge McDuck Jr.

"This is I called delicious lunch." said Donald.

"Best friends ever Donald." said Mickey.

"Me and Scrooge McDuck have a great time at the park and his headphones was saved." said Donald.

"Oh cool." said Daisy.

"Whatever you want." said Della.

"And I'm the only friend of him." said Donald.

"Here's for you!" said Minnie. "It's filled with pink bows for headphones."

"Thank you Minnie!" said Scrooge McDuck Jr.

When he puts his pink bows headphones it fits.

Mickey, Minnie, Daisy and Della laughed at him and all surprising things will become true.

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