Short Episode: Autism 2019

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Scrooge McDuck Jr. celebrated Autism Awareness with Uncle Scrooge and teenage Donald wearing a blue shirt for his health and he also wears blue headphones.

"Autism is the way where people have disabilities." said Donald.

"You mean Autism?" said Scrooge McDuck Jr.

"That's why you have a blue shirt nephew." said Uncle Scrooge.

In his social media profile, Uncle Scrooge send a post of Scrooge McDuck Jr. wearing a blue shirt around the world.

"There, now you set." said Uncle Scrooge.

"That's good!" said Donald.

Scrooge McDuck Jr. is fully autism when he was 2 years old.

Scrooge McDuck Jr. had a kiss with me to promote Autism Awareness month.

He, Uncle Scrooge and Donald are happily share these photos of friends wondering that some trips aren't having problems with the nephew.

This is the first time Scrooge McDuck Jr. has celebrate Autism Awareness.

"I'll be the next Autism Awareness in 2020." said Scrooge McDuck Jr.

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