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Lenora had followed Daryl back to his tent. The two were quiet, with the young girl watching the man intently as he unzipped the tent and pointed to a grey sleeping back on the ground. The tent was disheveled, and it was obvious that two men had previously resided there.

"That one's Merles." Daryl told Lenora and she nodded. "I guess it's yours now... Unless Merle comes back, then we'll figure something out for ya kid."

"Thank you for everything Daryl." Lenora said. "You've given me more attention in the past 12 hours than my parents did in 10 years."

It was probably the most she'd spoken that day. Daryl grunted and laid down. Lenora started to, but hesitated once she knelt on the sleeping bag, looking at the grey thing with pain in her eyes. 

"What's wrong?" Daryl asked her after noticing that she still hadn't laid down after about two minutes. Lenora snapped out of her daze, tucking a blonde strand of hair behind her ear and shaking her head. 

"When I fell asleep on one of these last night, I woke up on the forest floor." She admitted sadly. "I just, don't want this to be some kind of sick dream and I'm back on that forest floor." 

"You won't kid." Daryl said gruffly. He couldn't deny that his heart did tear a little bit from the girls words. "Just go to sleep."

"Night Daryl." Lenora said cautiously laying down onto the sleeping bag awkwardly. 

"Night Kid." 


When Lenora woke up, she was still laying on top of the grey sleeping bag, much to her relief.  Daryl had already woken up, and exited the tent. Although, the girl wasn't sure if he even slept to begin with. 

Slowly, she exited the tent bringing an arm to her forehead in order to block the sunlight from her eyes. She walked towards the circle, where everything had gone to hell the previous night. With a quick glance, she realized that Andrea was still knelt right by her deceased sister. 

Deciding she could no longer be alone, Lenora placed herself by Carol and Sophia. They didn't talk to her when she sat and she was grateful. Tears rolled down the two females eyes. Apparently, her husband and daughters father didn't make it. Lenora couldn't tell if they were tears of relief that she was no longer in her husbands grasp or if she was mourning. Probably both. 

Lenora glanced over at the sound of grunting and the squelch of a pick axe burying itself into a dead walkers brain. It was Daryl who was doing it. T-dog the man who'd dropped the key, and Glenn the asian man were dragging dead bodies into a burning fire. 

The entire group was covered in dirt, sweat and blood and quietly murmuring about what they should do about Amy, who was being heavily guarded by her grieving sister. Lenora watched as Rick went over to Andrea beginning to kneel down before the woman pulled her gun on him whispering something sharply. 

He backed away slowly, returning to the group around the smoking ashes of the previous nights fire. The blonde woman didn't lower her gun until Rick had returned to where he came from.

Lenora observed as Daryl walked over to them, a pick axe held over his right shoulder. 

"Y'all can't be serious." He exclaimed. "The dead girl's a time bomb."

"What do you suggest?" Rick asked the redneck who was obviously ticked off. 

Lenora stayed quiet. Even though she knew Andrea was mourning the death of her baby sister, she technically was putting everyone in the group at risk. What if she couldn't bring herself to pull the trigger and end her sisters afterlife. 

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