chapter one

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“Jack your adaptation parents are here” that was my alert ...and I think now u pretty much already know about my life
  My parents died when i was three ,it was on the little island in Hawaii were we made it a habit of going there every holiday except Christmas's ,which we spent it at grand mom's,the island was beautiful and I loved every minute of the holiday , sometimes my parents would disappear In the middle of the day but I didn't care , the island was
     One day reached the day that changed my life badly , it was early in the morning and my parents Mr and Mrs Alfred were already up, the seemed to be in a hurry , I didn't mind because this happens all the time and I never asked why , all I knew was that it was always work , I hated it but what could I do .
   I waited for them all day on that day but they didn't come back , I thought maybe they were sleeping overnight but that continued three days in a row,and I got worried I was only seven by then , a tourist boy living alone in one of the suits , the word spread like fire , the fifth day child protective services came and took me away I screamed the whole way back to New York on the plane pleading to see my mom and dad but they didn't tell me any thing , until three years later when I was already living with my grand mother is when a cop came and gave us the bad news that my parents were recovered from an abandoned building already decomposed and that they had to ran a DNA rest to confirm , and the results came out positive
   I was ten when I realised I lost my parents which it was a little bizarre as I already lost them three years ago
   On the same year my grand mom died , it was from heart attack , I called an ambulance but they were already late , my grand mothers last word of which  were hard to forget were “ we are really sorry little monkey all the family burden is on you , be strong ”.And that was my story.
Until the orphanage came and took me in its been seven years since my grand mother died and the awful news about my parents , all these years have passed and I have yet been adopted , and don't ask why
  Today was just like other new parent meetings , it just take one look at me to see how creepy I am and I giving them a hard reason to run threw the exit door, and I'm used to that
   “ put on your fine shirt young lad , today a wealthy family wants to meet you ...i hope you make an impression”
That was Mrs Grimsby the orphanage supervisor , she always give me hopes that one day a good parent would adopt me , I think by now she already knows that that's impossible
   “ do remember the last time I gave a good impression ” I asks “ the only thing I can do is keep them running and rethinking there choices most of all should have known that already ”
   “ what the hell...your right . but its already scheduled and they have already arrived waiting  to meet you , I can't just send them away get ready whatever happens let it happen, fact your better off with me young lad , i am here for you” she spoke while exiting my room with a smile
  She was a bit old for her work but the kids here loved her . she treated us with kindness every day , rumors says that she was once a nun
    I grabbed my towel and hit the shower in five minutes I was already out the hallway heading to the meeting room
    Before getting in they were ‘Talkings’ inside , and as soon as I touched the door knob the whispers stopped
   I opened the door slowly and shoved my head in to take a peep .
   “ there he is , get in jack the folk were waiting ”
   “ sorry I'm late Mrs Grimsby ...I had to make my room clean before  coming ”i spoke while grabbing a chair and sitting next to her , the parents in front of me couldn't stop smiling which was creepy enough
    “ its OK Mr and Mrs weather  this is Jackson and jack these are Mr and Mrs ...” before she could finish the woman bugged in 
    “ hello Jackson nice to meet you , so you were cleaning your room you say ...that's so responsible of you ”
  “ thanks ”
  “Wonderful  ..the boy even acknowledges when he is  complimented ...he is just what we were looking for ”
  “ really ” Mrs Grimsby asked in a drought  “ so that means I have to get the papers ready ”
   “ sure why not ” the man jumped in
“ OK then just give me a minute I'll be right back”
   She spoke while leaving the room , Mr and Mrs weather could not stop smiling at me and sure was If I wanted to give a great impression, it all went fast , I didn't even pack  my clothes, I just knew that today was going to be like all other days.
    Mrs Grimsby came back running with the papers , she herself couldn't believe that finally I was being adopted, she signed the papers in a hurry and pushed the file towards the parents  then later I too signed them, that meant that from today they were part of my future , all of that happened very fast , they even didn't want know about my past which was very generous of them
  “ by tomorrow he will be ready , you can come to pick him up then ” Mrs Grimsby spoke while they stood up and exited the room. “ let me show you out ” she stood too , and gave me a last minute smile as she went out , I smiled back
   After some minutes I got out too , the other kids where already awake for their daily schedule,  as I passed through the hallway Anna came running
  “jack!, I heard you had parents coming today, how did you scare these ones  ” she spoke while  trying to strangle my  neck
   Anna was also an orphan just like me , she was one of the popular people here and also my friend
    “ well too bad you won't see me tomorrow”
  “ Noway they took you , not fear come , your nobody's type offence”
   “ non taken ”
“ so tomorrow ...well good luck , I will miss you ” she then gave me a tight hug
   “ don't worry I will come visit you anytime...only if they allow me , ...I have to go pack”
   I gave her one last hug then disappeared  
    As I was packing I heard a door knock
  “ come in!! ”
It was Mrs Grimsby
  “ I thought I never lived to see this day ”
“ are you chasing me away ”
“ if you say so....but truly I'm happy for you young lad . this can be an opportunity for you”
“ I know ” I told her “ just know that even if I didn't have this chance , I was still happy living here with you, you were like a mother to me”
   “ and you wait for the last day to tell me that ” we both laughed

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