Chapter 3 - Half-Breed

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The alarm echoed around the halls as Keith was in the middle of training that night. He was already dressed in his armour so he just needed to grab his bayard and then race out of the room towards his lion. Once he made it, he climbed into Red and collapsed into his seat. Reaching forward to grab his controls was almost second nature to him as his lion escaped the castle and flew out into space.

Galra ships surrounded them. The lions were all together in a circle, staring out into the depths of space as they faced the attack. They were being shot at from every angle so decided to split up and face different ships themselves. Green went to the left, Yellow went forward, Blue went backwards, Black stayed in the same position and Red went to the right. Red lurched forward, Keith focusing all of his attention on the one ship in particular heading straight for him. The lion opened his mouth and shot a beam of blinding, blue light, impaling the Galra ship as if it was made out of plastic rather than complex, robust space material.

Commotion erupted on the coms, the sounds of each paladins' yells becoming muffled over the transaction. Keith could hear Pidge yelling, "​They're too strong!​" and Hunk's, "​I can't handle them all guys!​" Shiro was silent, obviously trying to push himself as hard as he possibly could. Then there was Lance. Lance was making various grunting noises similar to ones escaping from Keith's pursed lips. Another ship was on Keith's tail. He leaned forward and moved the controls so that the lion could race ahead. The Galra ship wasn't as speedy as the red lion so it was easily outrun. Keith swerved around so rapidly that he almost fell out of his seat but his reactions were enough to take the ship down with another blast.

As the others were getting their situations more under control, the coms quietened down a substantial amount. Red wasn't the direct target of any ships and so took the opportunity to help Lance who appeared to be struggling the most. He was surrounded by Galra ships that were shooting at him without any mercy. Lance was screaming, "​Guys!​" over and over again, desperately in need of some assistance.

A larger Galra ship came into view, its canons charging up and glowing with blue light. They were shaking until a large beam was released, directed straight for Lance. "Lance, no!" Keith yelled, jolting forward and crashing into Blue. Lance let out a loud snap at Keith for being so careless before realising Red had taken the mass of the hit from the ship. It was powerful enough to shake the entirety of Red and cause Keith to collapse out of his seat, his head hitting against the front. His eyes fell shut.

"Keith's down!" Lance yelled once he realised what had happened. His voice cracked as he repeated the exclamation over and over again. It was as if he thought it would make the other paladins move faster.

"Lance, get it together! We'll get Keith to a healing pod as soon as we can! We need to destroy these ships first!" Shiro said, voice full of authority, despite the anxiety that was actually manifesting in the pit of his chest. They had to keep going and persevere if they wanted to defeat the fleet and protect the castle.

A sob arising in his throat, Lance pushed Blue forward and continued to fight. For Keith.


When Keith fell out of the healing pod into someone's arms, he expected it to be Shiro but the arms weren't muscle-y enough to belong to Shiro. He forced his eyes open to glance upwards and meet the eyes of the person who had been waiting for him to wake up. Allura. As soon as eye contact was made, Allura let go of Keith and watched him collapse onto the ground as a result of his legs that felt like jelly. Groaning loudly, he used the wall to pull himself up.

"Stop hitting on my boyfriend!" She instantaneously yelled, her voice making Keith's head pound. Keith squinted, pressing one hand up to his hot forehead.

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