Chapter Three-All Your Days

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I awoke to the sound of trickling water make its way through the small creek outside the house. My window was open, making the curtains that hung by it billow in its soft breeze. However, my calm awakening was abruptly ruined by yelling coming from downstairs. I groan and quickly get up to hush the muffled argument.

"Just one day Celeste! She's bored enough, she'll just go back into the forest and get lost again. Just think it's either her possibly getting killed or having us watch her!"

"I'm pretty sure I'd let her wander off and get killed then put her in the hands of maniacs!"

I didn't feel the need to hide since this conversation was below me in the living room which is close to the bannister. Besides, I'm beginning to believe their predicament is about me.

"You say that like this isn't a job. She's far too pretty to kill."

This took me aback. Why was my aunt speaking to a proclaimed murderer?

"...Fine. But only if you can convince her to go with you. She's a little shaken, so I'm not sure she's ready for being sociable yet."

"She was able to interrupt François without being beaten, anyone who can do that is a friend in my book."

I then heard footsteps ascend up the stairs and I quickly tip toed as quietly as I could in time to get to my room and pretend to be reading on my bed. A knock came seconds later.

"Come in."

"Good morning my sweetness, how about you come downstairs to eat. I have someone I'd like you to meet."

I smile to myself and nodded, signaling for my aunt to leave the room. I changed into something comfortable and went down to the kitchen. Once there I was greeted by a man, he had soft-pink hair, baby blue eyes, and these adorable freckles danced upon his face.

"Oh she's quite lovely! Hello miss, I am Oliver."

He held out his hand for you to shake and you took it gently. He wore a button-up dress shirt that was rolled up to his elbows, khakis, and sleek black dress shoes.

"I'm (Y/n)."

"Oh I already knew that darling! Everyone at home talks about you."

He was cut short when my aunt cleared her throat.

"Oh, um I'd like to invite you over to my house for tea and to meet all my roommates."

I looked over to my aunt for reassurance and she nods.

"It'd be my pleasure."

Though his aura was pleasantly bubbly, I was astounded at why a man would invite me over to his house. Strange. He held out his arm to which I hesitantly took. He then led me through the front door and down the sidewalk. Though silence hung in the air, it wasn't awkward. It was more at peace to take a nice walk under the spring's warmth and life.

We then came upon a house similar to my aunts, I guess now mine as well. It was like those modern houses but much larger.

"Now miss, if you wouldn't mind, I would like to introduce you to everyone. They unfortunately didn't believe me when I talked about you."

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