Uke!Western!Waiter Levi x Seme!Infamous!Cowboy Eren

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Eren's pov


"bang" I mouthed while shooting another guy. I turned around fastly killing 4 more men and blowed on the steam coming out of my revolver. My comrade, Jean, killed more 3 and the whole squad was dead by the time I turned around again and faced Jean.

We were in Oklahoma, it was a really heated sunset, and we were ready to get to Kansas to attend to some illegal business, of course. The purge had occured in a small bar full of people now staring at us with fear, but I didn't really care.

"When you're done paying for our drinks, get ready to get going." I said sternly, while putting my revolver on my brown waist holister.
"I'm paying again??" He frowned.
"Yes horseface, now hurry the fuck up." I walked out of the bar, awaiting for my comrade outside and started smoking a cigarette.

When Jean finally got outside, after some 2 or 3 minutes, I dropped my cigarette on the ground, smashing it with my foot and both hopped on the horses.

"I told the old man we were sorry." He stated.

"Hm, if your you're going to ashame my popularity, then ashame yours and keep me out of it." I humoresly chuckled, hitting the lashes on my horse's back to start riding off to Kansas and so did he.


It was nightime, near 10:00 and we didn't eat yet. it was tiring, our horses stopped riding in full speed for awhile now and Jean was holding a encorporated white candle to enlight the way.

"Oi, Eren." He started calmly, "we're entering a village."

I grabbed his candle by the handle and looked around. We were in a small village, there were some people outside with alchool bottles on their hands and some houses with their lights on. There was a certain place with a imense amount of people, was that a bar? I guess so.

"Oii, I never saw you arooound here, hehe~" A possibly drunk woman approached us, and we just ignored her and continued going forward, "Eren, that place looks really frequented, it must have good food and drinks. Should we stop here by tonight?"
"Sure." I pulled my horse to the entry of the enlightened place and hopped off it, so did Jean and we locked our horses on small wooden poles.

We got in the bar and saw many people walking around. Ones were drunk as fuck so they were knocked out, others were singing together, others were making out or casually hitting eachother, and a blonde guy with a coconut hairstyle was playing the piano.

"argh," He grunted, "so noisy."

"Indeed." I frowned in disgust.

The group of men that were singing stopped singing and looked at us, "OH! AREN'T YOU TWO THOSE REALLY POPULAR PALS EVERYONE'S TALKING ABOUT?" one of them shouted.

I widened my eyes, and thought about what he said. He didn't sound like a enemy. He most likely sounded admired and excited. Jean was with his hand on his gun when I put my hand on his chest, and shoke my head no. He slowly got his hand off his holister and looked at me in confusion.

"They sound excited about our presence, you bastard. Do you want to arrange problems where they don't exist?" I calmly stated feeling my anxiety pop up. Jean really gets on my nerves sometimes.

"... No." I got my hand down and started walking towards the men and then he crossed his arms on his chest, walking forward too, mumbling something I didn't understand.

"Sup fellas." I said turning a chair around, and the back of the chair supporting my arms as I sat down.
Jean sat normally putting his leg above the other, not completely crossed and slumped childishly on his seat.

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